Marking the 223rd Yahrzeit of Rav Elimelech Lizhensk ZATZAL

Today is the 223rd Yartzheit of Rav Elimelech of Lizhensk ZATZAL, also known as the Noam Elimelech. Thousands of people have gathered at the Kever in Lizhensk, Poland. Most people arrived before Shabbos, and spent Shabbos in the area. According to reports, a tent was established near the tziyun providing food and accommodations for visitors.

The Bobover Rebbe Shlita has reportedly arrived in Poland from NYC to be mispalel at the kever. The Rebbe’s participation was unexpected. A number of other admorim are present, including the Rebbes of Nadvorna and Chernobyl Shlita. Many members of Sephardi Jewry have also traveled to Poland for the yahrzeit.

 The weather in Poland near the tziyun is reportedly cold and snowing.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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