Sharpton & Co. Believe Paterson Should Stay

There was a high stakes meeting underway Thursday night that could affect the future of New York politics.

The drama has come following a series of scandals. The question now is will they push Paterson to resign?

The crowd waited for the Rev. Al Sharpton to come out after a raucous two-hour meeting at Sylvia’s Restaurant in Harlem featuring 45 members of the black community.

It was a good night for the governor because members of the community decided to stand with him in the face of the scandals surrounding his office.

At least for now.

“I think he should stay in office and complete his term,” former New York City Mayor David Dinkins said. “Keep in mind that the president of the United States, with articles of impeachment, was permitted to serve out his term, and he was the leader of the free world.”

“I think we all should not make a rush to judgment and make sure that we let the investigation take its course,” said Assemblyman Keith Wright, D-Manhattan.

“When a person has given 22 years of his life for this state, and allegations are made without the outcome … we have a competent attorney general, he’s doing his investigation. Let him do his job. It is our job to make sure the budget is done,” said Sen. Eric Adams, D-Brooklyn.


6 Responses

  1. listen, im not following this at all because i think its stupid and not worth my time, but the fact that al sharpton supports any black politician is meaningless, i think if he would have been caught with a mass grave of kidnapped children in his basement, and a signed, sworn and notarized document admitting it, along with a video tape, al sharpton would still support him.

  2. hanavon, I agree with you in part. Al Sharpton will support Paterson because this is his “gravy train”. But, we should all follow this very closely. A huge Jewish population depends on Albany for all types of things including law enforcement.

  3. funny how when the accused is republican then the mantra sems to be “it’s the seriuosness of the charge” whereas with democrats the mantra is “innocent till proven guilty”

  4. In all fairness, Paterson fits right in. If we ended up with a honest, intelligent, hard working person in high office, the guy (or gal) would feel totally out of place in Albany.

    P.S. and he/she might decide to balance the state’s budget, revive the state’s economy, and stop heading out patronage and pork to everyone (including our own community)

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