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Daughter Of Pshevorsk Rebbe Tragically Niftar

Antwerp, Belgium – YWN regrets to inform you of the tragic Petira of Mrs. Sara Brief A”H, the daughter of the Pshevorsk Rebbe Shlita.

Ten days ago she was walking on a street in Antwerp when she was R”L struck by a school-bus carrying children. She was rushed to the hospital and listen in critical condition. Doctors preformed emergency surgery on her massive brain injuries, but she remained in grave condition. Her condition deteriorated until today when she was Niftar.

She leaves behind a husband and two Yesomim R”L.

The Levaya is scheduled for 7:00PM at the Pshevorsk Bais Medrash in Antwerp.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

6 Responses

  1. Not that it will bring her back but she wasn’t hit by a schoolbus (there are no schoolbusses in Antwerp) she was hit by the mirror of the bus while she was waiting between two lines of the street.

  2. #1

    the rambam believed that these ‘pure neshamas’ of which you speak do not get ‘issurim shel ahavah’…we don’t know why hashem does these things, but don’t ever think that it was for no reason, like when people say “this person had done nothing wrong, hashem did this out of love”. the rambam speaks very strongly against that. i know it seems harsh for me to say, but you have to understand, we live in strange times, with strange people, and many people come to sfeikos in their jewish identities because they see people who, in their eyes of flesh and blood, couldn’t have committed a sin worthy of the punishment that they seem to be getting.
    that’s why we say ‘baruch dayan ha’emes’, he is the true judge and can see that which we cannot.

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