Report: Paterson Asked Friend To Convince Accuser To Drop Case

More damaging details about the investigation into Governor David Paterson were revealed today.

According to the New York Times, a mutual friend of both the governor and the woman accusing one of his top aides of domestic violence told investigators looking into the matter that the governor asked her to convince the accuser to drop the issue.

Citing a person familiar with her account, Deneane Brown reportedly told investigators Paterson asked her to tell the accuser “the governor wants her to make this go away.”

Brown is then said to have contacted the accuser repeatedly, before arranging a call between the woman and the governor.

That call came a day before the accuser missed a court date and her case against aide David Johnson was dismissed.

A Paterson spokesman is denying Paterson told Brown to make the issue go away.

The governor continues to insist he will not step down, adding he doesn’t feel abandoned by his supporters.

“No, I actually don’t. A number of people have contacted me and told me to stay,” the governor said. “It’s very difficult because my instinct is to come and answer to them. I really never shied away from the media before and would love to answer these questions.”

Meanwhile, NY State Police Superintendent Harry Corbitt suddenly announced his retirement yesterday, effective today.

He says the media attention has made it impossible for him to serve.


4 Responses

  1. This is starting to not look good. But I agree with Mr. Levin. Andrew Cuomo’s, the Spacieme, fingerprints are all over this one.

  2. This is ridiculous! This is so unusual a thing to do in such a bad situation? Regardless of what anyone thinks of Paterson, a mutual friend of his and the woman, to ask her to drop the charges is hardly a crime or scandal or anyone’s business. I wonder to what extent there was domestic violence? The story does not say? What it a shouting match with the law leaning to the woman? Or, tragically, was there assault and bloody injury, heaven forbid. The article should say.

  3. MoshiachNow01, your ignorance is stunning. This is called witness tampering, a federal crime. By the way, the U.S. Attorney General should call for a special prosecutor. But, he won’t because the Governor has three protections; his party membership, his race, and his disability!

  4. patterson should be madoff’s roomie for what he’s done but i agree with flatbush bubbly, and patterson will skate just like spitzer did.

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