Breaking News: NYC Board of Elections Bounces Tischler

The courts didn’t even have to decide. After a thorough review of his signatures and after challenges that were filed by both the Lazar and Greenfield campaigns (despite the Daily News article today referencing Greenfield, our sources confirm that Greenfield AND Lazar both challenged the petitions of Tischler), the Board of Elections made a determination today that Abraham Tischler did not have nearly enough signatures to qualify for the ballot for the City Council race to succeed Councilman Simcha Felder.

The 18 year old Tischler, who registered to vote just weeks before announcing his run for office, had a lackluster performance at the candidates debate last Wednesday evening where his main theme and answer for just about every question posed was that he would save the firehouses in the community. This result leaves two Jewish and two Catholic candidates in the race. The Jewish candidates are education advocate David Greenfield and retired civil servant Joe Lazar. The Catholic candidates are community board employee Jonathan Judge and Republican activist Ken Rice. The race is scheduled to take place three weeks from today – Tuesday, March 23, 2010. Keep your browser tuned to YWN for all the latest on this exciting race for City Council.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

17 Responses

  1. This whole election to this postion has become so rediculous that as citizens we should demand to either absolve this position in return of tax dollars to such as myself who are in a high tax bracket or we as citizens demand that new candidates come up for this position or perhaps lets just appoint someone who we feel would do something other than mouth othe people, yenta on local Jewish stations and are looking for some extra pocket money.
    In short these so called candidates both have an issue with their ego.
    Whomever they think may win over them they manage to get off the ticket.
    Are they going for physical therapy for bending under the table to much to get what they want!

  2. As long as either Republican has the endorsement of the Conservative Party of New York, I am going to vote for them.

    To heimish in Boro Park; you are part of the problem. Without realizing it, you are alluding to the corruption that makes Boro Park a safe haven for undercover police officers and reporters for the New York Crimes.

    Folks, please, please stop voting for the Democrats. Vote for the CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN candidate if you want a chance of better police protection, universal vouchers for all school age children and all income, and cleaner streets to name just a few. David Greenfield nor Joe Lazar will do any of this. I thank-you.

  3. I also forgot that if you want lower sales taxes, property taxes, elimination of public waste in the bureacracy, and lower business taxes, vote for the CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN candidate (remember Rudy Giuliani). Neither democrat will. I thank-you again.

  4. In the meantime, this young man can start learning about politics so by the time the next election rolls around he is a viable candidate. We need new blood!

  5. I agree with “FlatbushBubby”. Forget the tuition tax credit. Only a republican will lower our taxes. Democrats never did, and never will lower taxes. Democrats will just raise taxes, and then return some in the way of a rebate. Vote for lower taxes, Vote Republican!

  6. The ONLY CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN in this race is JONATHAN JUDGE. He has been president of the Brooklyn Young Republican Club for two years. He is the Secretary of the New York State Young Republicans. He has over seven years of experience in our local community board. He’s the real Republican activist, and has lived in the district his whole life, something NO OTHER candidate can say they have. He’s the best one to fight for the HEIMISH community. Did I mention he’s the ONLY CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN?

  7. Why did they bother to challenge Tischler who had less than “lackluster performance” in the debate? Did they really think he would take votes away from them? What harm would have come from letting the young man stay in the race and letting the voters decide?

    Jonathan Judge is a Republican and has Republican endorsements. I can’t wait till this nonsense ends.

  8. My sons, from two differnt yeshivos, came home with letters saying that it is a chiyuv to vote for Dovid Greenfield and that he has actually brought money directly to the yeshivos. There was a sign hanging in my shule, signed by my Rov saying the same thing.

    The “raid” is that the aguda is only “appearing” to support the hikind/lazar team, because he has threatened them with no more funding.

    There are also signs up all over boro park, with a “mechaah” against DH as a mevaze rabonim and yeshivos on his show regarding the “molestation ” issue. He also many many times criticized the AGUDA and the MOETZES rergarding its stance on the Markey Bill.

    Only seceral chasidishe groups have signed with hikind/ lazar. (dehainu belz and ger); and thats because they’ve been promised big money for their POWER BROKERS (machers blaz)

    Bkitzur, oilam hatoira and many chasidishe groups want an end to the bizayon talmidei chachomim and yeshivos on hikind’s radio show. They want him OUT.

    Ask around and you will see for yourself.

  9. Heimish in Boro Park, the folks running the yeshivos are part of the problem. When the Agudah stops encouraging people to register Democrat and stops encouraging mosdos to go for the handouts that the Democrats in the Assembly and State Senate offers, then you won’t receive any of those letters anymore. But, if you are so foolish not to see that, then you can read all of those letters.

    And shame on those administrators that send out those letters. They want another Grunfeld ma’aase?

  10. Where does Greenfield think he’ll get $2,500 tax credit per child in this economy, where the city and state are struggling to meet their current obligations and fund the current programs??? This is the question I hear people in shul asking. People are obviously going to be taxed to institute this additional program.

    I think the best candidate for the Yeshivos in the race is Jonathan Judge. His parents sent him to private school and struggled to pay for his private school tuition. He understands the struggles that parents are going through. Also, My family and i like Judge because he is the only true conservative in the race. As such, he’ll know how to get rid of wasteful spending and provide more tuition vouchers while NOT raising taxes.
    You can never trust a Democrat not to raise taxes.
    He already promised at the Jewish Press debate that he’ll vote against any tax increase.

    Go Judge Go!!

  11. I agree with #14. No one should tell us how to vote. Let the schools be busy with what they are there for. Anyway, when the schools get the money , does it go where it is intended to?
    Most schools/yeshivos got funding for gyms..howmany yeshivos/schools do you know who have a gym or offer some exercise during the school day. I am not talking about letting 500 kids in a yard enough for 150 or closing blocks to let children abuse cars!
    This election has become a Purim shpiel.
    Let us demand new candidates because these two have become part of a so called boxing match.
    Perhaps we demand that the two who they forced out come in as candidates!

  12. Fact is anyone who is looking for the only endorsed “Republican” candidate in this important crucial district it’s not Jonathan Judge.

    It’s Kenneth M. Rice.

    Jonathan Judge and his campaign team is trying to pull a fast one on the voters of this very “Conservative” District.

    If Mr. Judge was so “Conservative” than why doesn’t he stick to his “Conservative” principles and pay his bills, and move out of his apartment with his Mother and Father.

    If Mr. Judge was so “Conservative” than why did he not time and time again support local Republican candidates running who had real shots to win.

    In fact Mr. Judge’s ties to former one term assemblyman Arnaldo A. Ferraro who’s son served several years for shooting a cop in the face in the bathroom years ago, and to former candidate Susan Cleary’s who son was involved in the infamous Mark Fisher murder in Ditmas Park should have residents like this one very “Concerned”.

    Don’t be fooled by Jonathan J. Judge, and vote for the “Real Republican Conservative” in Kenneth M. Rice who is the only candidate in this race who has a working relationship with our local police captains, and is the “Go to Guy” when it comes to “Law and Order”

    March 23rd, Kenneth M. Rice Neighborhood Reform the real deal.

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