Shelly Silver: I Don’t Feel Paterson Should Resign

Democratic leaders traveled to the Executive Mansion in Albany on Tuesday to meet with Gov. David A. Paterson and discuss “moving forward” in the face of a widening scandal over the embattled governor’s involvement in an abuse case involving an aide, officials said.

The governor, saying he was not feeling well, according to a Senate aide, canceled a budget meeting with legislative leaders from both parties and remained in the executive mansion throughout the day amid new calls for his resignation.

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and State Senator John L. Sampson, the leader of the Senate’s Democratic majority, entered the mansion at 11:45 a.m. Jay Jacobs, the state Democratic Party chairman, arrived shortly after 1 p.m.

The two lawmakers emerged at about 1:20 p.m. As he drove slowly past a group of reporters, Mr. Silver said “the topic of resignation did not come up” and declared, “I do not feel that he should resign.”

Read the full story at The NY Times 

3 Responses

  1. He doesn’t feel he has to resign because his term is almost up. He just doesn’t want him running again.

  2. No, no Mr. Silver. You can’t ask the governor to resign. That is racist. Just like I have been accused of racism for criticizing the President, so you should too Mr. Silver.

    By the way, how much do you earn as a consultant for Weitz and Luxenberg? Isn’t that why you refuse to put a discussion of tort reform on the floor of the Assembly, you shmoe!

  3. Of course he doesn’t want the Governor to resign. Then the Speaker might have to deal with somebody who isn’t as malleable.

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