Shock CNN Poll: Majority Says Gov’t A Threat To Citizens’ Rights

A majority of Americans think the federal government poses a threat to rights of Americans, according to a new national poll.

Fifty-six percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Friday say they think the federal government’s become so large and powerful that it poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens. Forty-four percent of those polled disagree.

The survey indicates a partisan divide on the question: only 37 percent of Democrats, 63 percent of Independents and nearly 7 in 10 Republicans say the federal government poses a threat to the rights of Americans.

According to CNN poll numbers released Sunday, Americans overwhelmingly think that the U.S. government is broken – though the public overwhelmingly holds out hope that what’s broken can be fixed.


8 Responses

  1. This is no surprise at all! The Democrats are the party of control. If they want control through legislation, then that means that our liberties are stricken from us. Unless you have been a total drone, you would have been aware of this for years!

  2. Has anyone noticed that the small businessmen in our community are being squeezed out of business?

    They have been the mainstay of our Tzedaka s and Yeshivos. You could always rely on them for substantial support for our Mosdos.

    The present Administration wants to take over everything, and what they can’t take over themselves, they want to hand pver to their big-business supoporters, like GE.

    There is no room in their scheme of things for small independent businessmen who cannot be easily controlled.

    This poll reflects the gradual realization by increasing numbers of Americans that economic destruction, inevitably leads to dictatorship and econimic slavery.


  3. The fact that CNN actually published such an anti-democrat party survey result. The hope is that all these people can take their feelings to their Congress People & throw out anyone standing in the way of our libert & freedom.

  4. flat. bubby

    wait a second, when the republicans were in control they were also a threat to our liberties! hey, bush passed the patriot act, didnt he?
    the answer is that both parties are examples of the universal law that when a dominant force acquires power and has the ability to control, they will take the opportunity and cease as much control as possible.
    when obama campaigned for civil liberties and said he wouldn’t allow the nsa to listen to our phone calls and read our emails we all believed him, until he took control and we now see that he’s no different than any other leader.
    no government, in the history of man has ever willingly given up power once they’ve had it.
    that’s why my rebbe told me he would rather live in a democratic country with a senate and a congress at odds with one another than to live in a kingdom that doesn’t have anything to check or balance the kings power, even if it’s dovid hamelech without nosson hanavi.
    btw, im not posting on shabbos, it’s not yet shabbos here…
    a frielechin purim bubbelleh

  5. hanavon, if you think that the patriot act is a threat to our liberties, then either you have been drinking too much, you are a treasonous traitor, or you are Hannah Rosenthal’s best friend from J Street, the most self-hating, Israel hating, Arab loving Jewish organization in existence today. Which one is it you shlock?!

  6. flatbush bubby,

    first of all, i believe it’s an issur to call people names that denigrate their character in public. i don’t appreciate being called a shlock or a treasonous traitor.
    the patriot act allows the government to listen to phone calls and read emails without a warrant. the act had been proposed to congress way before 9-11 and it was thrown out because it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL….
    can you even tell me why you think the patriot is NOT a threat to our liberties?! because they’ve extended the sunset clause on it, an extended it’s reach to cover crimes that aren’t done by terrorists. the gov’t now has no problem listening to all of your phone calls without a judges say so, only because of the patriot act!!

  7. Hanavon makes sense and the Patriot Act IS a threat to our liberties. The half-baked Bush administration put in the Patriot Act while stipulating America will NOT profile arabs nor will America monitor and control our southern border. Again, in my opinion, the problem is not coming up with a plan. The problem is people; the people who seek administrative responsibilities do not see further than the nose on their faces. Also, Obama may as well be Bush III. Heaven help us!!!

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