GOOD-BYE: Paterson Won’t Seek Reelection

Albany, NY – Embattled Gov. Paterson has pulled the plug on his bid to seek reelection, a source close to the governor said Friday.

Paterson will announce the decision later Friday.

The source said the governor has agreed not to seek election, but he will not resign – opting to serve out the remainder of his term.

The decision clears the way for Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, who is the favorite of many Democrats, to seek the nomination unimpeded.

Cuomo’s office is investigating whether Paterson and the state police improperly contacted the woman, Sherr-una Booker, who made the allegations against his aide, David Johnson.

(Source: NY Daily News)

4 Responses

  1. so now we have a lame duck governor who will be serving out his term . who will control him , now that he will not have to answer to the public and will be able to do what ever he wants.

  2. “RAK BEYNECHA SABIT, VESHELUMAS RESHOIM TIR’EH.”==Only 2 months after this Rasha tried to ram a Toeva bill through the State Senate, he has been humiliated and forced to give up on his reelection plans.

  3. When stabbed in the back by his fellow liberal democrats it’s called “stepping aside.” If done by republicans it’s called “racism.”

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