Third Annual Giving Day for Outreach: February 15, 2017

ajopAJOP is proud to announce its third annual Giving Day, launching February 15, to support its many outreach organizations across the globe.

The AJOP team is once again partnering with the innovative crowdfunding pioneers and experts at, a collaboration which has yielded unprecedented results.

In its first ever Giving Day, AJOP raised a staggering one million dollars. Since then, AJOP has continued its partnership with Charidy, raising more than five million dollars for twenty five Kiruv organizations, and mobilizing ten thousand donors, far exceeding all expectations and goals.

“It creates a unique opportunity for the community to band together in appreciation of the Kiruv movement as a whole, and the individual Mekarvim who are Moser Nefesh to enrich Jewish life.” said Rabbi Yitzchok Lowenbraun, National Director of the Association for Jewish Outreach Programs.

He continued, “Whether you run a mega operation or a few classes in Judaism, we invite you to join us for a day that will be dedicated entirely to Kiruv.”

To learn more or sign up your program, please fill out this registration form.

Registration closes January 15.

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