She Hates Madoff. She Likes Morgan

Bernie Madoff’s daughter-in-law wants to divorce herself and her kids from their sullied last name.

Stephanie Madoff, who is married to the Ponzi schemer’s son Mark, filed papers yesterday in Manhattan Supreme Court seeking to change her and her young kids’ last name to the far less controversial “Morgan,” to avoid the “embarrassment, harassment and endangerment associated with the name,” she said.

She understatedly notes that her father-in-law “was recently featured prominently in the news for defrauding numerous investors in his companies.”

As a result, the filing says, she was “notified of certain death and other threats made against the Madoff family . . . Though the threats were deemed unfounded, your petitioner fears for her safety and the safety of her children.”

She filed separate petitions on behalf of her 3-year-old daughter, Audrey, and 1-year-old son, Nicholas.

The filings were accompanied by affidavits from Stephanie’s husband, Mark, who says, “I have no objection to the request and hereby give my consent to the change of name.”


9 Responses

  1. There are over 10,000 listings for the name Morgan in NY and this is an insult to all of them – anytime a person says their name is Morgan, people will ask them “what was your name before Morgan?” Perhaps Goniff (no listings) is what the judge should allow her name to be

  2. #6, highly unlikely and hardly a fair judgement of the people seeking to no longer say their name is Madoff. Can you blame them? The name is true Americana now, and not for good reasons.

  3. BSD May I suggest the storied surname of Schmoigerman, which contains all of the letters of Morgan but has a far richer Jewish history?

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