$4M ‘Hasidic’ Diamond Heist Staged

Two Diamond District wholesalers were arrested yesterday for staging a bizarre $4 million jewel heist in 2008 involving two purported thieves disguised as Hasidic Jews, in a holdup straight out of the 2001 movie “Snatch,” police said.

Atul Shah, 48, and Mahaveer Kankariya, 43, were charged with grand larceny, insurance fraud and falsifying business records in connection with the bogus gunpoint robbery at their Midtown store on New Years Eve.

Law enforcement sources said enhanced video surveillance footage showed the owners stealing the jewelry prior to the fake heist.

“The whole thing was set up,” one source said.

One of the phony bandits is currently being questioned at the Midtown North stationhouse, sources said. His accomplice is still at large.

The bogus heist occurred in broad daylight on Dec. 31, 2008, http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/article.php?p=28525 when the robbers — sporting Orthodox garb of black coats, hats and beards, flashed fake ID’s to lobby security at 2 West 46th Street and then rode the elevator up to Dialite Imports on the fifth floor, cops said.

After they were buzzed inside the store, the duo pulled out guns and held up Shah and another employee, cops said. The “heist” mimics the opening scene of the film, in which Benicio Del Toro and a slew of diamond thieves disguise themselves as Hasidic Jews.

Shah was ordered to clean out the safe of all diamonds and jewels. The intruders then tied up the two men with duct tape before fleeing.

(Source: http://www.nypost.com/)

9 Responses

  1. Mrs Faltbush Bubby,correct me if I am wrong, you seem to be implicating a religion here. What does religion have to do with this? When Jews steal and make the news, the way Bernie Maddoff did, and other religious Jews, if someone would make a comment such as the one you did, you would be the first one crying anti semitism. So quit the double standard, will you?

  2. wow does it really matter what their names were the fact that people need to do such terrible things and use jews as their disguise should be awful enough. good i am glad they got caught or at least one of them did just shows crime does not pay!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. R. Gluck, I try to be dan l’kaf zechus and follow the halacha of being suspicious of goyim. Do your contacts in law enforcement object? You got anything better to do than to talk to the liars of the legal department of the Council of American Islamic Relations?

    With contacts like that, I am sure all Jews in New York State are being very well taken care of.

    If you think I should stop implicating particular religions and give equal treatment under the law when it comes to Jews, I could say the same thing about some of your buddies who call themselves coordinators of some Shomrim units. Would you like me to start to wash our dirty laundry here? Let me know!

  4. The leftwing media loves to go out of their way to find cases of Jews being accused (often falsly) of some wrong doing and in many cases if it were non Jews doing it, it would be a non story

    An excellent example is the Kennedy family who are almost always praised as being icons, and “Americas Royalty”.

    But if they had been Jews
    every article ever written about them would include a rehashing of Joe Kennedys criminal rise to power and his beatings an killings of those who got in his way and his multimillion dollar manipulations of the stock market 50 years before Bernie Madhoff (who by the way is not religious as someone falsly claimed).

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