NYPD Officers Found Not Guilty In Subway Sodomy Trial

A jury has acquitted three officers of all charges in connection with allegations that they sodomized a man inside a Brooklyn subway station and then worked to cover up the incident.

Michael Mineo had claimed that an officer sodomized him with his police baton while arresting him inside a Prospect Park subway station in October 2008.

Officer Richard Kern had faced 25 years in prison if convicted.

Officers Alex Cruz and Andrew Morales were accused of covering up the alleged attack and faced up to four years in prison if they were found guilty of hindering prosecution and official misconduct.

The jury had to start their deliberations from scratch last week, after a juror was replaced for giving misleading information.

With an alternate panel in place, the jury asked the judge for a read-back of testimony from two doctors about the injuries allegedly suffered by Mineo.

The panel sent a note saying a member needed the weekend to think about the case.

Jurors also asked to see a surveillance video near the subway station that appears to show Mineo leaning on a friend for support after the incident.

(Source: NY1)

7 Responses

  1. (continuation of my previous comment) It’s exactly the type of news we want to avoid reading, that we turn to Yeshiva world. If you are interested in this filth, you might as well read the goyshe news-sites

  2. Imanonov, I am very concerned if members of the NYPD are arrested for felonious conduct. I am overjoyed when they are acquitted so a lying, pot smoking punk can be revealed for what he is; a lying pot smoking punk.

    The NYPD protects you. Don’t you want to see that they are given the benefit of the doubt when they have to uphold the law in the name of protecting YOU!?

  3. An interesting twist: The end of yesterday’s Daf (Sanhedrin 9b) talks about this VERY case: one who claims that another sodomized him against his will.
    [Issue on hand in the Gemara is whether we allow the victim to testify along with another witness and kill the sodomizer. Issues at hand are “ein adam meisim atzmo rasha”, “adam karov eitzel atzmo” and “palginan dibureih” (see rashi).

  4. oh, and YWN might want to think more before putting up such an explicit article, not that it bothers me at all, but they don’t need the more extreme element waging war on them….

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