Leaders of Chasidishe Mosdos Back Greenfield for City Council

In his bid for the New York City Council, Boro Park resident David G. Greenfield is building a groundswell of support in the Chasidic community. Leaders of the Mosdos of Bobov, Pupa, Munkatsch, Boyan, & Krasne have endorsed Greenfield, an experienced attorney and acclaimed education advocate, joining a wide variety of Jewish community leaders in their support of David Greenfield for City Council.

The list of leaders of the Boro Park mosdos supporting Greenfield include (organizational affiliations are for identification purposes only):

Rabbi Shaye Schwartz, Yoshev Rosh h’Mosdos; R’ Shlomie Weber, Rosh Hanhalah, T”T Kehilos Yankev & Bnos Yankev Pupa of Boro Park.
R’ Duvid Vogel – Administrator, Yeshiva Bais Hillel D’Krasne.
R’ Yonah Glatzer – Board Member, Boyan Mosdos.
R’ Pinches Leib Mayer – Administrator, T”T Tiferes Bunim Munkatch.
R’ Rueven Lefkowits – Administrator, T”T Ohr Moishe.
R’ Naftule Sofer – Administrator, T”T Darkei Chaim.
R’ Avrum Schiff – Administrator, T”T Ohr Torah.

In a letter being released to the Boro Park community, these renowned mechanchim cited Greenfield’s vast experience, his proven record of helping the community, and his innovative approach to accessing government funding for yeshivas and yeshiva parents.

“David Greenfield’s youthful energy and creative approach to problem solving will benefit our mosdos now, and years from now,” wrote the leaders of the mosdos. “He has already proposed an alternative transportation plan that would ensure students receive free private bus transportation to yeshiva. This will save yeshivas and parents thousands of dollars – and the City and mosdos millions.”

“As a community, we are faced with a choice,” they continued. “We can continue to settle for just enough, or we can choose to have more – more funding for education, more services for our students and more opportunities for their futures. On March 23rd, we must unite and choose more. In fact, we must demand the very best. It is our belief the best candidate for City Council is David Greenfield, and we encourage you to join us in supporting David in the March 23rd election.”

Greenfield expressed gratitude for the support of all these wonderful askanim by explaining, “I am humbled to have the support of so many of the leaders of our community’s yeshivas. They are the ones that have seen so much of what we have already achieved for all of our community mosdos in the form increased government funding for yeshivas, tax credits for parents, and free tutoring for students. I look forward to working with these askanim in City Hall to achieve even greater results for our community.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

18 Responses

  1. Leaflets left in the Batei Medrashim over shabbos had the same list and it said on the bottom of the list that the mosod associated with each name does NOT mean the mosod endorses him it’s just to identify the individuals.
    I don’t know who wrote this article but if it was the Greenfield campaign then they are cut from the same cloth as all other politicians and lie when the ‘have’ to.

  2. Once again the Chassidishe Mosdos are on the list of supporters. Why is it that last year only the Chassidish yeshivos got government funding. Why are the Litfishe mosdos left out. What happened to Mir, Chaim Berlin, Chofetz Chaim, Torah Vodaath? I think there is “selective constituency” Politicians forget that they should represent ALL of Brooklyn and not just those with the block vote.

  3. Nice work, Mr. Greenfield!

    This is a major blow to the Hikind-backed Lazar. Hikind was telling EVERYONE that all of the mosdos are behind Lazar. I’m really happy to see that the mosdos have hakoros hatov for the hard work that Greenfield has done for yeshivas and yeshiva parents over the years.

  4. Mr. BP Guy – The article cleary states that the “mosdos” are not endorsing. However, as a life-long boro-parker I can assure you that this is EXACTLY how the mosdos endorse – they ask their leaders to support a candidate so they don’t break any rules.

    I was honestly surprised by these endorsements because Lazar has posters up in Boro Park declaring him candidate of all the mosdos. It’s nice to know that some mosdos think for themselves and aren’t caving to Hikind pressure.

  5. #5 Mr. BP Guy I belive that when Mosdos like these want to endorse they can use their leaders not their administators.
    Why is Yeshiva World not pointing out that Mr. Greenfeld is a regular contributer?

  6. Well over a hundred thousand frum jews stifle in 95 degree temperatures during july and august every single year that comes by. There is nothing in the Constitution that prevents our government or the parks department from setting aside one hundredth of a per cent of shoreline for modest swimming. The big donors to politicians that are frum have their own pools. But how dare they ask us to vote for someone that only represents them and not the masses? Is this a trivial issue? Let’s see how trivial it is for all the young children that are cooped up in the sweltering city this summer. Greenfield what are you doing? Parking meters? This is the single most important easily obtainable issue. Do something! If you ignore this issue you are not representing us.


    Frankly, I think these endorsements by Mosdos have gotten out of hand. The politicians run around, frantically, twisting the arms of the Mosdos, before their competitors get there first.

    The Mosdos give their endorsements, because they fear they might antagonize some powerful politicians, if they don’t.

    Let’s leave our Mosdos out of this political game. Can’t we get them the help they need without their active participation in political warfare?

  8. BP Guy, Ashy, Leah from BP and all your other user names(BP….), it is obvious from your emails that you are the exact same person.I support Greenfield big time, but there is no need for you fill the comments everytime with your “in-house” comments. Try as press release.

  9. Let the mud slug begin!!!.
    Everybody knows that Lazar & Greenfield are both very decent fellows & either one of them would try to deleiver for the heimeshe crowd. The real issue here is just power & kavod, with Hikind the mafia boss calling the shots. I for one will vote for Greenfield, just for the fact, that we had enough of Hikind’s blackmail, & maybe he will get the message, that a beach chair in Florida is waiting for him.

  10. Greenfield being a “Experienced attorney” note the language(organizational affiliations are for identification purposes only): sounds like a used car salesman.

  11. Wow! this is devastating for Hikind and all of his Chicago-style politicians. First it was Christie in NJ against the well politically connected Corzine, then we had Scott Brown against the establishment and now we got David Greenfield vs. the old-style politics.

    This endorsement just shows that the real Boro Park leadership, the ones that really have us in mind united FOR Greenfield not AGAINST. Can someone please tell me how all of those “Askanim” (you can also call them ‘Noisemakers’ or ‘Knackers’) will help me. can someone please explain what difference they will make to my pocket? We need cheaper tuition. We pay taxes, we deserve the benefits.

    I call the ACHDUS candidate, the one that brings the Jewish community and Mosdos together, not some political corrupt freshman councilman and his former opponent.

    I really respect those community leaders and Yeshiva administrators that had the guts and courage to stand up against Hikind, Silver and their cronies amid the threats. May all other Askanim do the same, really put ‘Community First’ and endorse the ‘People’s Candidate’. Please let’s not see a repeat of NY-23, let the Doug Hoffman of NYC District 44 prevail…


  12. Id like for the candidates to publicly debate. Of course Lazar can’t have Hikind by his side so he won’t have anything intelligent to say…

  13. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE think again.
    we most change the hikinds hikind must go home.
    get greenfield in . itsctime for new blood.
    time to finish the comunist
    hikind is not good for the jews.
    greenfield is good FOR JEWS

  14. For Dave Hirsch of comment #13: speaking of Scott Brown, Jonathan Judge is our next Scott Brown. He is a strong conservative, energetic, smart, articulate, understands the issues our community faces and knows how to unite everyone in the district.

  15. Greenfield doesn’t live in the district. He isn’t eligible to run!

    I don’t think Lazar lives in the district either.

    And if either one is elected, he can’t serve!

    What a joke!

  16. BOBOV48 we know you are someone else in disguise!

    nochamol- check your facts!!!!!!! Greenfield lives in Boro Park!

    Why can’t people just realize that we need a change and David has done sooo much for the community with the tuition tax breaks etc. and he will continue to improve the community!

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