Rav Menachem Porush Z”L

Rav Menachem Porush z”l was the epitome of a Yerushalmi, in every sense of the word, born on 28 Adar in the Holy City to Moshe Porush z”l. At a young age, he learned about the importance of toiling for the tzibur and Kiddush Hashem.

At the age of 18 months his father was sent on shlichus to an unchartered area, Yavniel, which at the time was barren. His father was requested to establish a talmid torah for the northern area children. He grew up in Yavniel and that is where is mother Rebbitzin Shifra z”l was buried.

The young Menachem received a first-hand education of the meaning of laboring on behalf of the tzibur, always placing the needs of the community ahead of one’s own needs.

As a young avreich he became the right hand of Agudas Yisrael’s vibrant leader in Eretz Yisrael, Rav Moshe Blau z”l. It is recorded that even then, as a young man, he proudly peddled his beliefs, boasting the values and beauty of following a chareidi lifestyle.

He later became the loyal emissary of Gavaad Maran HaGaon Rav Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky ZT”L, playing a significant role in negotiations with the king of Jordan as talks were ongoing surrounding the division of Yerushalayim.

When the state of established in 1948, a time when chareidi yiddishkeit in Eretz Yisrael faced extinction, he undertook an unyielding tenacious battle on behalf of Torah values as he was taught, as he knew them to be, unwilling to accept compromise, realizing then the need for chareidi education to ensure the continuation of the traditions of our fathers.

He was an emissary of Gedolei Yisrael ZT”L, undertaking the battle against compelled enlistment of girls into sheirut leumi, working tirelessly to maintain ‘tahara’ in the community.

He played a pivotal role in arranging the aliyah of “HaAri M’Bavel”, The Brisker ZT”L, undertaking to ensure the Gadol’s wishes and goals were implemented following his petira.

He maintained a particularly close relationship with HaRav Aaron M’Belz ZT”L, and the historic meeting that was held is now recorded in history, when the two met face-to-face, privately, for 30 minutes, at which time the Tzaddik revealed secrets that have never been passed on to others, but family members attest to the fact that when Rav Menachem discussed that meeting, his body trembled as he was reminded of the kedusha that existed in the presence of this great Tzaddik.

The niftar was also very close to Maran HaChazon Ish ZT”L, who maintained an open door for R’ Menachem, who visited whenever there was something to discuss. He was also close to the Beis Yisrael of Gur ZT”L, who reminded him regularly of his promised reward in Olam HaBa for his ongoing tireless efforts on behalf of Eretz Yisrael HaSheleima.

His efforts on behalf of chinuch and the tzibur were also recognized by Gedolei Yisrael in North America, including Maran HaGaon HaRav Aaron Kotler ZT”L and HaGaon HaRav Moshe Feinstein ZT”L, who were in touch with R’ Porush regarding his ongoing efforts for Chinuch Atzmai. Rav Menachem would arrive in the United States on motzei Pessach, remaining until erev Rosh Hashanah and returning after Sukkos and working again until erev Pessach.

In 1959 he entered the Knesset, where he remained until 1994 (except two years in the 1970s), an outspoken advocate for chareidi yiddishkeit and Chinuch Atzmai. He was a familiar face in the home of admorim and roshei yeshiva alike, always serving the common goal, Torah education and a chareidi lifestyle.

Rav Menachem fought against Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin, demanding that Kever Rachel is included in the boundaries of Israel as the then prime minister planned to exclude the holy site as he cut Eretz Yisrael into slices. Interestingly, on Sunday, the day the rav was niftar, the cabinet voted to add Kever Rachel to the list of national heritage sites.

The rav established chessed funds, the Kiryat HaYeled Fund, the Agudas Yisrael kindergarten network, and played a major role in the building of the modern capital and ensuring it continues to manifest its compliance with a chareidi way of life.

Rav Porush began his career as a journalist, a foreign reporter for chareidi newspapers 1932-1938), serving as editor of Kol Yisrael (1949-1963), editor of ”HaMevaser” (1950-1951), serving as a member of Central Administration of Agudat Yisrael – in Israel and in the World Agudat Yisrael (1954),Chairman, Agudas Yisrael (1955), Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem (1969-1974), founded ”Kiryat HaYeled” and served as an alternate Chairman, National Center of Agudat Yisrael (1977). He also served as a deputy minister in 1984/1985 and again in 1990.

Rav Porush, the father of Deputy Minister of Education R’ Meir Porush, was 94.

The rav attended a 7 Adar Chevra Kadisha seuda near his home, even speaking to participants, returning home and collapsing. He suffered a massive heart attack and despite immediate and extensive resuscitation efforts by paramedics in the rav’s modest Pines Street apartment, working for about an hour, it was not meant to be.

The levaya will begin at his home at 1:00pm, passing the Agudas Yisrael office and making its way to Har HaZeisim for kvura.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. In one month – Agudas Yisroel lost their two elder statesman: Rav Chezkel Besser AH and Rav Menachem Porush AH

    Big loss. Two “Tayara Yidden”.

    Yhai Zichrom Boruch.

  2. There are a surprisingly-small number of real askonim, who take care of the needs of Klal Yisroel. These are key people, whoa re very difficult to replace.

    Reb Menachem, ZT”L, was one of these key people, trusted by Gedolei Yisroel and by secular leaders alike. He was a diplomat extraordinaire.

    He will be sorely missed–Yehee Zichro Boruch!

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