Conversion of Route 17 Into Interstate 86 Moving Ahead

The second phase of the $63 million project turning an 8-mile stretch of Route 17 into Interstate 86 will start next month, says Scott Geiger, the state Department of Transportation’s corridor manager for Route 17.

The first phase, completed last year, transformed the highway between Exits 121 and 119, including raising the roadway and building a new bridge. Geiger says the second phase, from Exit 119 to the Sullivan County line at Exit 116, is not as extensive.

Here is what’s planned:

* Between Exits 119 and 118, the highway will be rebuilt to meet federal standards, including wider shoulders, and the exit and entrance ramps at both exits will be lengthened to meet federal standards.

* Between Exits 118 and 116, the roadway will be milled and repaved, the shoulders will be widened and the exit and entrance ramps will be lengthened.

Work will start on the eastbound side of the highway. One eastbound lane will be shifted over to the westbound side of the highway, which will still have two westbound lanes. Once finished, crews will flip the traffic shift to build new westbound lanes.

Read more at Times Herald Record 

6 Responses

  1. what about the work up in the exit 97& 98 area where they are moving the highway to the west in order not to have at grade crossings?

  2. It’s obvious that the workers are using jewish calendars to decide when to start construction.

    I think we should fool them at least once and have the calendars have tish b’av in December.

    Happy purim.

  3. Take the thruway to exit 17 (newburgh) and take 55. You can get back on to 17 at 114 or 110 or even further. You won’t go 70mph, but the many times I’ve done it over the years I’ve never gone slower than 50 and even where it is 30 in the local villages, they are all of a few blocks. It is also a nice drive with many places to stop along the way.

    Avoid most of the headaches altogether. If coming from queens or LI take the taconic to I84 and pick up 55 in Newburgh.

  4. as someone who travels those roads year round, I could tell you why they don’t do too much work during the winter months… VERY C0LD & A LOT OF SNOW!!!!!

  5. #4 your directions although well intented are not correct. Exit 17 at Newburgh can put a driver on to 17k West not 55. Take 17k west thru the towns and it will eventually bring you back to route 17 at exit/entrance 116 which is the base of the Wurtsboro Hill. A proven trip I have taken many times and as you said somewhat slower than highway speeds… but it works!

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