We regret to inform you of the Petira of HaRav Shmuel Teitelbaum of Chentchkovitch ZATZAL.
The Levaya will take place on Sunday Morning, 9:30 am at K’hal Yeshuos Chaim Chentchkovitz, 1167 East 13th Street, Brooklyn, NY (between K-L).
Boruch Dayan Emmes…
9 Responses
what was his full hebrew name? (to learn or daven l’iluy nishmaso?)
Harav Shmuel ben HaRav Yeshaya Chaim
תיקון טעות
ר’ שמואל ב”ר יהושע חיים זצ”ל
thank you – is it yeshaya or yehoshua?
Who is that?
My family davened in R’ Teitelbaum’s shul for over 20 years. When we moved into the neighborhood, he and his rebatzin came by to greet us. He will be missed.
an emesse ish yoshor.yehi zichro boruch!
a tzadik of the old school the rabbi worked for a living as the financial director of the yeshiva of eastern parkway.he was still zocheh to see the gedolei galicia such as hagaon reb meir arik.may he be meilitz yoisher for his family.b’h heleasves over a son a big talmid chochom[rav mendel]and many grandchildren