Levaya of Rav Issar Wolfson ZATZAL

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of the noted Talmid Chacham, Dayan and Posek in Passaic, NJ, Rav Issar Wolfson ZATZAL.

The Levaya will take place in the Yeshiva Gedolah of Passaic, 55 Ascension St. on Sunday morning, at 11:45am.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

11 Responses

  1. Baruch Dayan Emmes- I leaned in Passaic Yeshiva for 3 years and R’ Issur, Zt’l could be found learning at any time, any sefer, on any topic throughout kol hatorah kula. People would ask him questions and he would have an answer in an instant. He was oblivious to his surroundings when he would learn. What a loss for Klal Yisroel. Just a quick story- One time, while in a bathroom in the yeshiva, I heard a person laughing. It turned out that it was R’ Issur. After inquiring, I leanred that R’ Issur would think of jokes to himself while indisposed in order to sidetrack his mind away from learning while in the bathroom. This was a true challenge for R’ Issur. R’ Issur was constantly thinking in learning. He was constantly deeply entrenched in thoughts of learning. I never saw him not thinking in learning. He would sit in one spot for hours and hours thinking in learning. You could see his mind going through shas. It was an amazing sight to see. No wonder he had a hard time not thinking in learning while in the bathroom. He was a truly special person. What a loss, what a loss.

  2. There a story. Some years ago many Passic women were miscarrying, the community went to R’ Yakov Kaminetski zt”l for an eitza what to do. he told them to move R’ Isser zt”l into town. they did that and it stopped. Boruch Dayan Emes.

  3. I remember when the Wolfsons moved into Passaic and it was well after the petirah of R’ Yaakov Kaminetski. R’Wolfson was a kadosh person, there is no need to make up stories.

  4. The Wolfson mishpacha is one of Passaic’s gems.
    The home is a model of kavod hatorah. Rebbetzin Rochel facilitated the non-stop learning in her usual calm and tzanua way. May she have much nachas from all of her fantastic kids.

  5. Where should I start?
    With the Derech Eretz that the Wolfsons instilled in their children? That level of derech eretz for parents and absence of chutzpah is nearly unheard of today.
    The hasmodoh of this illuy is well-known, but how many people saw him rock the baby to sleep late at night? I did.
    And how many people saw the great kavod with which he treated his wife? I did.
    If anyone should give parenting lessons it’s Rebbetzin Wolfson. She combines firm discipline with a wholesome, lively Torah atmosphere. She always had the best ideas for inexpensive projects that kept kids (her own and the neighbors’) busy for hours!

    May the Rebbetzin have only nachas from all their special children, ba”h, and may the family have no more tzoros.
    Yehi Zichro Boruch.

  6. I think #6 got the details mixed up. The rumor I heard is that the Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Meir Stern sh’lita, was the one who brought Dayan Wolfson Z’TL to Passaic.

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