Coming to Airports: TSA Will Swab Passenger Hands For Explosives

You’ve taken your shoes off, removed your belt, and made it past the TSA screeners.

Not so fast.

In the coming weeks, you might find yourself screened one more time – this time with a Transportation Security Administration officer swabbing your hands to try to determine if you are traveling with any explosives that had not been detected.

On Wednesday, the TSA said it will begin random swabbing of passengers’ hands at every airport in the nation to look for signs of explosives. According to Greg Soule, a spokesman for TSA, the tests may take place anywhere in the airport – possibly before the security check point, at the check point itself, or right after it.

Once the TSA acquires mobile scanners, the tests might even take place in the concourse as you race to catch a flight or at the gate right before you board.

The TSA’s decision to test hands comes after the attempted X-Mas Day bombing of a Detroit-bound flight.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says the added measure is an attempt to maintain a “safe environment.”

(Source: Media Outlets)

8 Responses

  1. one by one they will encroach on our constitutional rights until we’re completely subjugated under the iron thumb of big government.
    remember, never in the history of mankind has a government ever given up power willingly after it’s taken it.
    this will be accepted by the people now, but if it would have started with this 10 years ago, there would have been mass demonstrations against it. the only reason that it doesn’t seem like such a big deal is because they’ve been doing it little by little over many years.
    our government now tracks its own citizens through its monitoring of phone calls, emails, travel records and the like.
    this is done through agencies like the NSA especially with it’s ‘carnivore’ system, the information awareness office established by DARPA, the COINTELPRO program of the FBI, and the countless other organizations and programs started by the US gov’t (often in association with other gov’ts)
    the city of new york has admitted to placing surveillance cameras in discreet locations that assist in facial recognition of everyday civilians.
    these evil plans became very easy for our gov’t to do after the patriot act was signed by george w bush.
    unfortunately, most frum people support the ultra conservatives who pushed this on our country, and they try to fight against what they call ‘the liberals’, who have been trying for decades to stop our gov’t from being able to do this!
    WAKE UP!!! it’s the republican, white, christian, ham and cheese eating conservatives who have been doing this since the 1950’s, when they created the MKULTRA program used by the CIA which targeted civilians for non-consentual testing of radiation, LSD, mesculin and other harmful chemicals….
    BE WARE!

  2. 2 hanavon,

    Yes its all Bush’s fault! Everything is Bush’s fault. The 5% unemployment under Bush was his fault too. The closer to 20% that we have now is also Bush’s fault.

    So aside for worshiping at the altar of Barack Hussein Obama, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Dingy Harry Reid, as well as every other liberal/socialist/marxist or any other “ist” in the book who wants to make this a nation of entitlement with class envy as well as a county NO DIFFERENT than any Socialist Democrat country in Europe, what else do you do??

    I’ll bet its nothing as you wait at home for that next govt handout.

    BTW, ifs its so bad and the socialist liberals are so good how come they didnt take away those agencies? Wasnt the war going to be over under Hussein? Wasnt Club Gitmo going to be closed? Wasnt the sea going to calm and we were going to love in an era of tranquility where we all sing and dance together?

  3. 4 Moose,

    We seem to have different definitions for that word & it seems OBVIOUS that yours is WRONG!

    You can’t seem to be able to handle the truth.

    Face it, I am right & you are WRONG.

  4. Moose613, you owe Mark Levin an apology. hanavon has been blaming Bush for everything from terrorism to the debt. If you would be willing to listen to 10 seconds of Mr. Levin’s radio program, if you would be willing to read his books, you would know that Mr. Levin is by no means a fascist. A fascist is nothing more than a statist if you know what that is.

  5. The fall of the United States was exascerbated by the Patriot Act, but wasn’t created by it. Are you so gullible to believe the hundreds of pages of the so-called U.S.A. Patriot Act were created out of nothing after, and in response to, the events of 11 September 2001. Your elected officials are neither that smart nor competent.
    The fall became likely when U.S. Supreme Court opinions granted citizenship rights, but not duties, to aliens and corporations. It became inevitable when subsequent opinions determined
    cash ‘donations’ to politicians were a form of
    political speech. Prior to that time, cash donations to politicians were called ‘bribery.’ That bribes are now registered with a government agency or restricted to political campaign
    expenses does not significantly
    alter the basic nature of the payoff, which is receipt of funds in exchange for favorable consideration of one’ legislative agenda.

    Perhaps the other writers, the ones bombarded daily with disinformation by the blamegame media, can be forgiven for not using their yiddisher cups to think outside the box: Democrats blame Republicans; Republicans blame Liberals; Liberals blame Fascists; Fascists blame Liberals. The cycle continues ad infinitum. The amateurs are busy trying to survive in a souring economy made so by dumbed-down elected officials (marionettes in a dumbed-down world, dancing to the strings of the providers of all the campaign cash and favors to government leaders). Mark Levin falls into a different category. He earns a living polarizing Jew and Gentile alike. He does not discriminate between them. The scorn, the derision he applies to callers (his bread-and-butter) who vocally disagree with him is not materially different from the patronizing praise (“You, madam, are a great American!”) he showers upon callers that parrot his messages. He loathes both. The proof of this apparent contradiction is the way he dismisses callers after he has finished using them. Like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck and dozens of other wannabes, Mark Levin is an Entertainer. ‘Politics-and-Fear’ is their medium, as opposed to the more traditional opiates of the masses: music, dance and humor. All are there, primarily, to ENTERTAIN their audiences. In a capitalism-based society, few who lack high ratings remain in broadcast positions for long. RATINGS are generated by rating organizations that poll target audiences by electronic or other means, but such complex issues comprise a whole other discussion.
    Like other non-Torah-based mass media, Radio and TV often feature sensationalism and titillation, driven by profit. Call-in Talk Radio shows thrive on CONTROVERSY.

    Back to Mr. Levin:
    Like his peers, Mr. Levin is CONTROVERSIAL—perhaps more so than most. Unlike most of his peers, Mark is at a competitive disadvantage: He is Jewish. That places restrictions on him his competitors are free of. “You are to be a light unto the nations.” “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbors.” In a cynical world getting more cynical daily, Hashem demands Mr. Levin must actually believe, if not practice, what he preaches. I have doubts that he does. As a fellow Jew, it is not for me to judge him. That is between him and Hashem.
    But as a Citizen who has been a politically-active strict constructionist for nearly half-a-century; who recognizes there isn’t a shekel’s-worth of difference between the actions (as opposed to the words) of Democrat and Republican officials; who realizes that ‘divide and conquer’ has been a strategy used for conquest since the pharaohs; who has never accepted one dime in consideration of his patriotism; whose lingering doubts where his ultimate loyalty lay evaporated the moment he witnessed the stars-and-stripes fluttering in the Mediterranean breeze over the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv (and yes, it should have been moved to Yerushalayim forty years ago); who agrees that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, my tolerance of Mr. Levin’s polarization of his audience is at a low ebb. The only way for Citizens to rectify the problems they face that have been foisted upon them by a repressive government is to work together. If you are a Socialist and your neighbor is a Fascist and both of you are being repressed by your elected leaders, most likely most of those whose political views lay somewhere between will also be repressed once they become vocal. You must all work together to work toward the common goals you share and set aside your differences until the day comes when your common goals have been met. Otherwise, power grows among the powerful while the weak get weaker. It worked for a time for Mussolini and Hitler.

  6. interesting that someone like mark levin would have a radio show and write books…he’s never used classical reasoning and logic to prove anything he’s ever said, he has a 4th grade command of the english language, no education and jumps to conclusions that are fallacious and baseless.

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