Brooklyn Council Race Update: Jonathan Judge Tries to Knock David Greenfield off the Ballot

Brooklyn, NY – Our insiders at the Board of Elections inform us that five candidates have filed for the right to run in the Council race on Tuesday, March 23rd to fill the vacant seat of former Councilman Simcha Felder. First to file was education advocate David Greenfield guaranteeing him the first line on the ballot under his party name “Community First.” After Greenfield, retired civil servant Joe Lazar filed. Insiders say that these two have more than enough signatures to qualify for the ballot.

Two Republicans have filed – Jonathan Judge and Kenneth Rice. Interestingly, an apparent associate of Jonathan Judge filed a challenge to front-runner David Greenfield seeking to throw him off the ballot. It seems that Mr. Judge is concerned that Greenfield’s endorsement by the Conservative party will take away votes from Judge who is a registered Republican.

Finally, we are told that there was a late entry to the race – student Abraham Tischler. Insiders tell us that because of his late entry Mr. Tischler is ineligible to receive matching funds and it is questionable whether he will even make the ballot.

Keep refreshing YWN for all the latest news in this exciting race for City Council.

(Mark Sonnenshein – YWN)

8 Responses

  1. How exactly does this article help Greenfield? YWN is the only news media that reports unbiased news. As for me, I am fuming mad at Hamodia. Why are they promoting Jonathan Judge over two heimishe candidates?!?!

  2. Leah, do you live in the USA? Is opinion a right here? Can the press express it’s opinion? Or only if it agrees with your opinion. And how does YWN report only unbiased news by presenting only 1 picture, of Greenfield? Why don’t we ultimately just allow the people of the districe determine who is the candidate they wish as their resprentative, whether he is qualified in your eyes or anybody else’s opinion.

    MODERATORS NOTE: Although there is currently an issue of viewing YWN photos more than a month old, we would like to set the record straight:

  3. Before Greenfield announced his candidacy and before Felder announced he was leaving the Council Greenfield was a YWN contributor. He had a weekly program about politics.

    Why is it hard to understand that they might want to be supportive of their good friend and contributor? It’s a privately owned website and it’s certainly their right to do so. What’s wrong with that?

  4. This is in response to the post issued by The Yeshiva World News entitled “Brooklyn Council Race Update: Jonathan Judge Tries to Knock David Greenfield off the Ballot.” The Judge campaign believes only a brief response is necessary to this article.

    Firstly, while it is true that one person who collected signatures for Jonathan Judge filed general objections to Mr. Greenfield’s petition signatures, the title suggests that Mr. Judge himself objected to them. He did not. Furthermore, no specific objections have been filed or will be filed by anyone connected with the Judge campaign against Mr. Greenfield’s signatures. Therefore, no one from our campaign is trying to “knock David Greenfield off the ballot.”

    Secondly, the claim made in the article that Mr. Judge is “concerned that Greenfield’s endorsement by the Conservative party will take away votes from Judge who is a registered Republican” is laughable and just plain wrong. It is unfortunate that the Conservative Party refused to offer Mr. Judge, a life-long conservative and uniquely qualified candidate, an opportunity to interview for their endorsement. The Conservative Party has further undermined its credibility in our borough by doing so.

    It is regrettable that the blog that made these dubious claims did not first call the Judge campaign to verify their story before they recklessly posted it. We would respectfully request that they retract the portions of their story that are inaccurate.

    Thankfully, more credible news organizations in the Jewish community have demonstrated fairness and accuracy in their reporting, which our community as a whole is better for.

    Mr. Judge looks forward to working with all of our community’s leaders to promote the diverse needs of the district and to earning the votes of his neighbors.

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