TRAGEDY IN BP: 5-Year-Old Amrom Altman R”L Struck & Killed By School-Bus

8:20AM EST: (UPDATES, & PHOTO LINK BELOW) With a heavy heart YWN regrets to report that a child has just been R”L struck and killed by a school bus at 13th Avenue & 49th Street.

Boro Park Hatzolah Paramedics frantically attempted to save the child’s life, but were unfortunately unsuccessful….

Misaskim units are on the scene, and the NYPD Highway Division is responding for an accident investigation.

No further information can be released at this time pending proper notifications.

UPDATE 10:43AM EST FROM WCBSTV: EMS said the victim, 5-year-old Amrom Altman Z”L, was hit after 8 a.m. Wednesday near 13th Avenue and 49th Street.

The scene of the accident is a very busy corner, with three different bus routes.

Police say the victim was hit by a yellow school bus, operated by a 32-year-old male, that was traveling Southbound on 13 Ave.

YWN has learned that the driver was unaware that he hd struck the child, and was stopped a few blocks away from the incident.

Amrom was to turn 5 next week…..

UPDATE 12:30PM EST: Due to the amazing Chesed and diligent work of the Misaskim Organization, the Niftar was released in under one hour from the Medical Examiners office, with Boruch Hashem no autopsy being done. The Levaya is scheduled for 2:30 in front of the Altman home located at 1342 49th Street.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…


(Moshe Altusky – YWN)

34 Responses

  1. Baruch dayan emes. How tragic. I can’t imagine that mothers pain…
    May the child be a meilitz yosher for his entire family.

  2. My heart is breaking. You know, we wake up in the morning and just go about our daily routine. And we think that it is just that…routine. We need to remember that we don’t live one minute without chesed from Hashem. Let us all try to improve something in our lives today in this childs zechus. May the family be comforted besoch aveilei tzion V’yerushalayim.

  3. There are no amount of tears that can be shed or words that can be said to comfort the family of this holy neshomo. Let everybody who learns of this tragic event lift up their eyes to the Baal Horachamim and say on themselves, Hodu Lashem Ki Tov, Ki Leolam Chasdo. And beg Hashem the Baal Horachamim to show rachmonus to this poor family and Hashem Himself should comfort them with true rachamim and chesed elyon. Bila hamoves lonetzach and may we all only have simchos with simcha.

  4. we dont know the details but the bus situation is so dangerous…

    the schools have to implement rules for the drivers and should have bus monitors on each bus…

  5. My heart is shattered my tears are flowing from my eyes, what a tragedy a little boy going to cheder in the morning didnt know of any bad in tghis world a pure neshama, a child from the most wonderful parents the father works a block away the nicest person i have ever met.

    I was on the scene and saw the blanket covered niftar with his briefcase next to him, hashem ad mosei? tinokos shel beis rabon innocent kinderlech.

    I am not here to lecture anyone but my herat is screaming Teshuva, we have to take upon ourselves to be better we have to take upon ourselves to do something good for the toiva of this neshama.

  6. An 8-year-old boy slipped on the ice in Brooklyn and fell in front of a bus that hit and killed him, horrified witnesses said.

    The bus never slowed down.

    A small red-and-black backpack lay in the middle of the Borough Park street Wednesday – just a few feet from a white sheet that had been carefully placed over the tiny corpse.

    “He was only a kid – it’s a crying shame,” said Rocco Botta, who was working at a construction project just a block from the 8 a.m. accident at 13th Ave. and 49th St.

    “I heard a commotion and saw a small boy just lying on the road,” Botta, 55, said. “Someone had run him over.”

    A witness who saw the child’s crushed body called 911, but a Hatzolah ambulance crew could not revive him, officials said.

    Witnesses said they saw a bus leaving the scene moments before anyone noticed the mortally injured boy. It was not clear if the driver realized he had struck the child.

    “The child was so small,” said Botta, who lives in the Bronx. “The person who hit him may have thought it was snow and just kept going.”

    Cops scoured the area after the crash hunting for the fleeing vehicle, which one witness said appeared to be a school bus, police said.

    It was not immediately clear if the child was trying to cross the slippery street in front of the bus or whether he had tried to get on the bus and then fell under its wheels, police said.

    The boy’s name was not immediately released.

  7. A needless tragedy.May the family find comfort.Now maybe we will rethink the idiotic practice of Yeshiva school buses crossing the double yellow line to pick up children 3 times on one block.You see it wasnt an impatient car driver that caused the tragedy,it was the school bus.Board of Ed School buses NEVER cross the double yellow line to pick up kidsONLY at the corners=no accidents.the goyim sometimes make up rules that work.But in Boro Park/Williamsburg we are smarter……..NOT MEANT TO MINIMIZE THE TRAGEDY.MAYBE WE CAN AVOID THE NEXT TRAGEDY BY ADOPTING BOARD OF ED GUIDELINES

  8. YWN you guys are such freaks why are u removing my question for, did I say a/t offensive….. COMMENT DELETED

    MODERATORS RESPONSE: We know from much experience that the family of the Nifatrim mentioned on YWN read every single comment. We feel (and know) that your question would bring them much (Tzar) pain. So if you would like your question answered, feel free to contact the parents, or an NYPD spokesperson for some answers to your questions. Please be prepared to use your real name……


  10. BDE…and I’d like to reiterate a school bus safey law;
    (NY State Law)
    Once stopped for a school bus, you may not drive again until the red lights stop flashing or when the bus driver or a traffic officer waves you on. This law applies on all roadways in New York State. You must stop for a school bus even if it is on the opposite side of a divided highway

  11. Although we don’t know the circumstances of this particular tragedy, the adult bus monitor should always get OFF the bus when the children are entering or leaving – the monitor should make a COMPLETE visual check that there are no precious kinderlach standing near the bus BEFORE the bus pulls away each and every time. And, if we have to pay a few more dollars for this, who could think of a better “investment” ? We must all insist on this policy beginning TODAY….

  12. BD”E, May Hashem send a nechuma to the family.

    It is a miracle that there aren’t more of these accidents. There are probably more buses in Boro Park during the 8-9 hour than there are in any one neighborhood in the US. There are many cheders and they all stop on every block. The drivers are in a BIG rush, they have to finish their route on time. Accidents are bound to happen.

    Something needs to be done to remedy this madness. Why can’t there be a program of pooling a few cheders together into one bus. This will take care of the traffic issues as well as make the streets safer for our kids.

  13. would like to extend my heartfelt sorrow for the family of the boy who nebach woke up to a day full of joy and before they knew it was a sad day.

    on the same note my heart goes out to the driver you cant imagine whats racing threw his mind at this time as much as we want to scream bus drivers should be more careful i know first hand that a lot of the frum bus drivers have been cautious and improved the safety.

  14. An 8-year-old boy slipped on the ice in Brooklyn and fell in front of a bus that hit and killed him, horrified witnesses said.

    The bus never slowed down.

    A small red-and-black backpack lay in the middle of the Borough Park street Wednesday – just a few feet from a white sheet that had been carefully placed over the tiny corpse.

    “He was only a kid – it’s a crying shame,” said Rocco Botta, who was working at a construction project just a block from the 8 a.m. accident at 13th Ave. and 49th St.

    “I heard a commotion and saw a small boy just lying on the road,” Botta, 55, said. “Someone had run him over.”

    A witness who saw the child’s crushed body called 911, but a Hatzolah ambulance crew could not revive him, officials said.

    Witnesses said they saw a bus leaving the scene moments before anyone noticed the mortally injured boy. It was not clear if the driver realized he had struck the child.

    “The child was so small,” said Botta, who lives in the Bronx. “The person who hit him may have thought it was snow and just kept going.”

    Cops scoured the area after the crash hunting for the fleeing vehicle, which one witness said appeared to be a school bus, police said.

  15. Amrom Altman may his soul rest in peace with all Tzadikim in Gan Eiden and may Hashem heal his family from this terrible tragedy

  16. Daily news says that the boy slipped on ice and fell, his name was Amrom Altman may his pure Neshama have a an Aliyah and may Hashem heal his family from this teribble tragedy that has befallen them.

  17. My fellow Yidden please don’t use this as a pulpit to preach for school bus safety. This is not the time or place. Teshuva, Tefilla, Tzedakah….
    We are in the deepest darkest golus. BDE

  18. #16: Thanks for stating NYS Law: The law means that Cars going in the other direction must stop for the bus.IT IS STILL ILLEGAL FOR A SCHOOL BUS TO CROSS THE DOUBLE YELLOW LINE.WHEN WILL THEY STOP THIS IDIOTIC PRACTICE!The Heimish drivers are in a mad rush to finish their route,Ive seen then do alot of illegal stuff,they also have no consideration for the drivers behind then.Make Yeshivas follow BOE Guidelines,We can stop the needless accidents!

  19. To all who scream at the “BUS SAFETY”, I know the bus driver very well, he is the safest bus driver around, It was a gzar din, and no one sould be pointing fingers @ any one.

  20. Everybody is preaching and screaming at each other. Nebech a little boy is dead and the driver I am sure would like to be too.

    WABC Radio just announced that Assemblyman Heineken made a statement. Does it ever stop?

  21. I believe that School Busses and Cit busses should have a speed limit and/or cameras installed like some of the newer cars have back cameras installed. Busses should have front and back cameras installed so they can see all angles in front and behind them. If they can’t see the road, they should not be moving (period)!!!

    There have been too many deaths and accidents by school buses and there is no excuse for it. Kids cross in front of buses. Kids are at bus stops without supervision (parents should take turns) and not all buses have monitors on them. And kids come in all sizes. There are not enough safety precautions being taken.

    Not to mention that kids run across the street because they are late for school. Kids today are crossing the street way too young, or assume that the bus driver is crossing them. There are too many unofficial stops for the parents’ convenience and not enough room in front of schools for pick-up and drop-offs. People have no patience, drivers have no patience and kids have no patience. There are all sorts of unforeseen circumstances that need to be thought about and be accounted for a $$$$ should not be a consideration. Lives and safety have to be the first thing on the agenda.

  22. Ah, the safety preachers jumped out of the woodwork already. The know-it-alls. The heartless sourpusses who relish when they can finally post their goody-two-shoes safety gospel – on Yenem’s Cheshbon- of course.

    Yes, safety is paramount. ןנשמרת מאוד לנפשותיכים. But what about the benefit fo the doubt? Why ALWAYS do you have to blame blame blame? Put yourselves if the niftar’s family’s shoes, reading these heartless comments.

    And to the genius who mentioned the bus passing the yellow lines THREE times on one block. Can you show me one street in BP where there are yellow lines and THREE bus stops? Or perhaps you mean the avenue blocks where the busses are FORCED to cross the yellow lines to physically block oncoming traffic? And this is THE problem? This is what could’ve caused the death of this child on 13th ave and 49 street where there are no yellow line?

  23. #17 – bus monitors should monitor what goes on IN the bus, parents/guardians should make sure their children get on/off the bus safely … unfortunately too many mothers are in the house busy cooking/laundry/talking on phone and don’t spare the time to meet their children at the bus to ensure their child’s safety

  24. #29, HNBNY, when would you suggest that we take the opportunity to discuss school bus safety????? When do you think people will listen and no the family is not reading about this, unfortunately they are busy mourning this tragedy. The rest of us need to put our heads together to figure out how this won’t happen again and how this tragedy will help saves lives in the future.

    We are not safety preachers, we are not know-it-alls we are concerned yiddin who CARE and are suffering yet another needless loss. No one is blaming the parents, the driver nor the chid. We are saying WE as a community need to work harder, think harder and think of ways to stop these losses.

    Maybe cynics like yourself who would rather judge others for THINKING and biting their heads off would turn on your brains and do something constructive rather than reactive.

  25. #29 On those wide streets (like 60th, for example)
    The busses should have to turn around and come back down the other side of the street and pick the children up properly, or better yet they shoudl all go to one corner and wait for the buss to pick them all up at once.

    This woudl also help alevieate heavy traffic and street blocking fromn busses that stop 3 times on a one way street and can sometimes stop cars for half an hour, forcing people to be late to work.

  26. Boruch Dayan Emes So many tragedys lately may we only hear good news in the future including the ultimate good news the coming of Moshiach b’karov biyamanu.

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