CNN Shock Poll: Majority Say Obama Doesn’t Deserve 2nd Term

52 percent of Americans said President Barack Obama doesn’t deserve reelection in 2012, according to a new poll.

44 percent of all Americans said they would vote to reelect the president in two and a half years, less than the slight majority who said they would prefer to elect someone else.

Obama faces a 44-52 deficit among both all Americans and registered voters, according to a CNN/Opinion Research poll released Tuesday. Four percent had no opinion.

The reelection numbers are slightly more sour than Obama’s approval ratings, which are basically tied. 49 percent of people told CNN that they approve of the way Obama is handling his job, while 50 percent disapprove.

Still, the 2012 election is still a long way’s away, with this fall’s midterm elections looming large. Republicans are hoping to make inroads into Congress, while Democrats are hoping to hold onto gains won in the 2006 and 2008 cycles.

Respondents to CNN were split at 46 percent as to whether they preferred a generic Republican or Democratic candidate in this fall’s elections.

At least one retiring lawmaker is confident Obama will sail to reelection, with Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) predicting Monday the president would win “overwhelmingly” in 2012.

The CNN poll, conducted Feb. 12-15, has a three percent margin of error.


15 Responses

  1. 2, (Aryeh0123),

    He wont get the conservative votes in the primary so his chances are slim.

    3 (smartcookie), I am shocked that the Communist News Network would actually publish such a poll.

  2. What shock? Given the Democrats setback in special elections it would be almost predictable. The shock would be if people favored Obama combined with a Republican Congress (either nothing would get done, which might be a good idea, or they would have to compromise and work together, which might not be such a bad idea).

  3. surprising that the clinton news network would report anything negative about barry. if the demon cat party wants to see barry re-elected they should hope that sarah palin gets nominated by the repubicans—that will ensure a 2nd term for barry

  4. Follow the money. If when we near the elections this country will be out of the recession then he will sail to reelection.
    For now, the country is bored and angry, and they are upset he hasn’t delivered the change he promised.
    He was delivered a Democratic majority in Congress, and 14 months later has been unable to deliver on any of his major promises. Never again in the future will any politician who promises change win. America now sees that change is not really possible in gov’t and that the conservative approach delivers long term results.
    America voted for him, and got what they deserve. We have become a lazy bunch, with expectations of instant gratification.
    I would love to hear how Obama justifies his failures. Who will he blame?

    Just a recap:
    – we are still in Iraq
    – Guatanamo is still open
    – We haven’t found Obama
    – There was another airplane bomb attempt
    – We are still in a recession
    – Unemployment is up
    – the deficit has grown despite his promise to shrink it
    – the jobs creation plan according to all counts failed
    – his stimulus plan still hasn’t kicked in
    – gov’t is not any more transparent, as the healthcare debate was behind closed doors
    – healthcare costs have risen
    – The intelligence community is still led by Bush’s appointees, despite Obama declaring he doesn’t approve of the Bush beleifs
    – he has failed to restore American pride to the world
    – he has failed in his middle east plan
    – his foreclosure rescue plan failed miserably
    – the banking system greed is still in full force

    The only thing more suprising is that 40+% would still v ote for him.

    Can someone tell me what he has accomplished?

  5. 8, the major question I would like to see/hear answered is at what point does Hussein get to bear the responsibility of his failures instead of blaming it on President Bush.

    His problem is, being that he’s a man-child, he has been pampered all his life so he doesn’t know how to accept blame, not to mention criticism.

    He had a SUPER MAJORITY in both Houses. To the uneducated this means the Republicans could have walked out of the chamber & the democrat party would have had enough votes to pass ANYTHING. Being that they couldn’t get anything thru, that would be the ‘fault’ of the DEMOCRAT PARTY and NOT the Republicans!!

    Alas all you hear from this Administration & its ObamaMania Tingly Feeling Running Up Their Leg Media is about those rascally Republicans & how they are getting in the way. THIS IS A LIE!!!!

  6. what this country needs is a call for new elections it should be the demand of the people of this great peoples republic. this guy dose not deserve to be in the white house one extra day

  7. tzippi, the leftwing radio hosts are stating that because they are lying. They want Obama to gain the support of the American people.

  8. Flabush Bubby, do you think it’s okay to call people clowns? I’ve read many of your comments and you seem to enjoy name-calling. Yet I suspect that if anybody said anything to you that you didn’t like, you might storm off in a dramatic huff, with a big goodbye.

    Let’s try to be civil, shall we?

  9. ny100k in comment #8 the facts of Obama’s failures do not matter.
    For liberals facts and truth, never matters.

    Just remember no matter what the libs do to ruin this country; “It’s all Bush’s fault”.

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