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NY State Looking To Delay Tax Return Payments

Governor Paterson is considering a controversial plan to pay the state’s bills, keeping your money a little longer.

His office is looking into the possibility of delaying tax refunds until June first in order to have more money on hand at the start of the next fiscal year, that adds up to about half-a-billion dollars.

The state does not have to pay interest on your money until 45-days after April 15th, so it is looking to keep it as long as possible.  Assemblyman Tim Gordon says that is like an interest free loan to New York. And he calls that simply wrong.

“I don’t know if the governor is in touch with people across the state who go to the mail box hoping upon hope that the tax refund will be there so they can meet their commitments, do grocery shopping, or many things for their families,” Gordon said, “to find the check simply isn’t there for no good reason.”

The governor’s office says this is just an option, and nothing is drawn up yet.


7 Responses

  1. Given the unwillingness of the legislature (even more than the virtual lame duck governor) to radically cut the budget (meaning cut programs such as subsidized medical care that benefit many frum families, cut assistance to yeshivos, cut salaries of government employees, cut subsidies of public transit – all of which will outrage many frum people, among others) – he has no choice but to postpone default as long as possible in hopes of a federal bail out or a miraculous increase in state revenues from a booming economy (of course it is booming, didn’t Obama say there is a recovery in effect). It is really unfair to blame Mr. Patterson – the culprit are the people in New York who elect “big spenders” (including the frum ones, who are just as bad at economics as the goyim).

    His position is similar to a “Baal ha-bayis” who keeps shifting ever increasing balances between credit cards in the hope that something will happen before all the cards are maxed, and he has to default and file for bankruptcy (something that isn’t available to state governments)

  2. akuperma, your blaming frum Jews for the Governor’s lack of willingness to cut the budget smacks of anti-semitism. Mr. YWEditor, please, please, please block him!

    Mr. Levin, until Yidden start to register to vote with the party that most identifies with the social agenda that they hold dear, the Republican party, then you will be spinning at windmills. I can’t get over how people think that Democrats, and I don’t care who, really care about fiscal realities!

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