Paterson Budget Plan Would Cut NY Afterschool Care

Parents who rely on free afterschool programs and communities that benefit from keeping unsupervised teens off the street could lose out if lawmakers approve $11 million in program cuts proposed by Gov. David Paterson.

With less than two months before the state budget is due, advocacy groups are raising their voices and holding out their hats, pleading “not me.”

The “Advantage After School Program” would be cut to $17 million under Paterson’s proposal, and advocates say Wednesday that would force 79 of the 303 program sites to close when their contracts expire this year.

Paterson has said he doesn’t like having to plan for deep cuts, but he’s trying to close an estimated $8.2 billion budget deficit.

Paterson’s popularity has fallen precipitously, but he has vowed to run for re-election, even though many Democrats would prefer the state attorney general, Andrew Cuomo, to run in his place.

“For the last couple of weeks I have been the subject of what, even by Albany standards, has been a spate of outrageous rumors about me,” Paterson told the AP.

He said the rumors had been stirred up by an as-yet unpublished New York Times investigation “that spawned a bunch of speculations that are so way out that it’s shocking,” he said. He said he now fears that all reporters are “stretching the bounds of journalism” in a race to get anyone to confirm a vicious rumor about him.


2 Responses

  1. Didn’t Dov Hikind dance with this guy on the Streets of Boro Park on Succos? and spoke how Paterson loves us and goes out of the way to help us?

    I see how effective Hikind is and what love Paterson is displaying to us and how he is going out of his way to hurt us.

    March 23 there is a special election to replace Simcha Felder, Lets vote for anyone except who Hikind endorses and coming this September lets vote all the bums out of Albany.

    Enough with this dirty politics. We need real representation in Albany.

  2. the time has come for all of us to cut to the chase and realize that we are in dire straits out there .
    using a sporting analogy lets decide what we feel is better , a good offence or a good defence .
    a good defence will try to fight for the status quo and try to hold on to what we have . a good offence on the other will try to hold on to what they have and try to get more .
    all this is very similar to the upcoming city council election in parts of Brooklyn. we have the local party hacks who want Joe Lazar because as a wanting a good defence they want to keep the status quo , keep what they have and so be it . however there is a young man named David greenfield out there who believes in a great offence and we keep on marching on to get whatever we deserve no matter whose feathers we ruffle .
    the question we all can ask is the following , has there been results and what are they . well we know that do to the great offence of David greenfield parents are getting extra income tax credits for sending there kids to private schools .
    however Joe Lazar who believes in a good defence and wants to keep the status quo and refuses to debate david greenfield for what ever reason in my opinion has nothing to show in having a good defence , because whenever one asks on yeshiva world what has joe Lazar done , nobody seems to be able to answer that question.

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