Google Testing Super-Fast Broadband Network

Google said Wednesday that it will start testing a new broadband network that will deliver speeds of more than 100 times faster than traditional broadband.

The Internet search giant is aiming to link up with states and municipalities to build and test a fiber-optic network that will offer download speeds of about 1 gigabit per second, according to a blog post on the company’s Web site. Google said that speed would be fast enough to download a high-definition, full-length feature film in less than five minutes.

The company said the network would offer wire-line service directly to consumers’ homes at “a competitive price.” The network will be built by Google (GOOG, Fortune 500), but consumers will be able to choose their service provider. Google expects the test will provide its service to at least 50,000 and potentially up to 500,000 people.

“Our long-term vision is to see a better, faster Internet,” said Minnie Ingersoll, product manager of Google’s high-speed broadband initiative. “When everyone had dial up, we couldn’t imagine what broadband speeds would be like. By increasing speeds by 100 times faster than what’s offered today, we can create opportunities for services that we won’t even be able to envision now.”


One Response

  1. I use Google to search for things and it does a great job.

    However, for those who might think of downloading a new Google browser or toolbar (or anything from google or any Google owned or affliated, company), I would caution you to first read their licence agreements and their privacy statements and their ‘Terms of Service’ (sometimes known as T.O.S.) very carefully, before you agree to anything (before you click “I agree” or before you click, to dowload.

    Their “agreement” which is by all legal definitions a binding contract with which they could take a person to court and sue for damages or breach of contract if you click that you agree (clicking to download may in some cases be regarded as an automatic agreement to all terms of the contract, I’m not sure about this particular point, but I would be very careful untill I ‘was’ sure, before I downloaded anything)to their TOS, Privacy Statement, and Licence agreement(s).

    As I recall from the last time I read it a few months ago, I think they require people for example; To accept in their email and in their computer where it accepts “cookies” to recieve their advrtisements and their monitoring of what you search for and what websites you go to on your computer.

    Please read very carefully all the secutions for these and other things they might be forcing you to agree to and accept and that they would enforce legally in court against you, if they wish.

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