Receive a Brachah From the Tzaddik of Shtefanesht By Carrying on His Legacy of Kiruv


The Shtefaneshter Rebbe was one of the hidden tzaddikim of Europe, known for his magical powers. Now people continue to daven fervently by his kever, and see incredible nissim in the zechus of their tefilos.

The organization of the Tzaddik of Shtefanesht has carried on his legacy of kiruv by starting a tremendous initiative, desigined to bring the hearts of the women & girls of klal yisroel together. Hundreds of branches throughout eretz yisroel have joined, to make over 500,00 women who are willing to participate in this mass hafrashas challah event.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be a part of something huge — the global event uniting the women of klal yisroel through mitzvah.

Vast amounts of money, time, and energy were invested into this incredible effort. However the costs are increasing, and after all of this work and so many women having pledged to participate, the only thing holding it back from taking place is a sudden lack of funds. Everything is in place — please help save this important project! Whether it is l’iluy nishmas a loved one, or for your own shidduchim, parnassah, refuos & yeshuos — join together with the Rebbe and be a part of this amazing mitzvah. You can be together with the Rebbe without even travelling to his kever, and receive a bracha from him, simply with the click of a button. 


Your contribution will result in half a million women, religious and secular, side by side, united with a sole purpose — to please HaKadososh Baruch Hu through doing the holy woman’s mitzvah of Hafrashas Challah. In the name of these women & in the name of the holy tzaddik of Shtefnesht and his family – contribute now and it is as if you were present to do this mitzvah yourself!

Hafrashas Challah is a powerful segulah for brachah & parnassah. Take part in this important cause, and also receive this brachah from the tzadik of Shtefanesh ”שכל מי שיגרום לו נחת רוח הוא יחזיר לו” – And surely Hashem will repay those who help to enable a half a million women to do this holy & special mitzvah.



2 Responses

  1. Wow, simply amazing. Which Country is Shtefanesht in? Was this particular kever part of the kever hopping tours till now or is this one of the new ones? How long ago did this Rebbe live?

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