No Busing For Lakewood Yeshivos On Wednesday; Public Schools Closed

9:30PM EST: The Lakewood Board Of Education has just announced that all public schools in Lakewood will be closed tomorrow (Wednesday) due to the storm. This will affect all Lakewood Mosdos, as there will be no busing for school-children in private  schools.

As of this posting, the Mosdos have still not decided if the Yeshivos will be closed or not.

Stay with YWN as we bring you the latest in our storm coverage.

(YWN Lakewood News Team)

7 Responses

  1. What I cannot fathom is why “the Mosdos” have not decided yet. Implying it is all one mosad, run by…whom exactly? There is a reason we have the Cheder, Yeshiva Ketana, YTT, Orchos Chaim, Kol Torah, Toras Aaron, Tashbar etc etc etc. Each one presumably has a menahel with brains. (Doesn’t “menahel” mean “leader”??) Let each one determine the proper decision accordingly! Instead, each one plays the game. I won’t say no yeshiva unless “X” yeshiva also does. I don’t want to look less frummer than them. What a silly game. Just make up your mind already.
    A frustrated Lakewood parent.

  2. Yes, the snow is coming down like crazy outside here in Lakewood. Thanks for the breaking news, however, we all know that of course there will be no message cancelling school for tomorrow until all the kids are awake, dressed and have had no idea what to do for hours tomorrow morning. Then the schools will just say that there is no transportation but somehow get here to the schools with no parking lots, access roads or safe place to drop the children. I have never understood the rationale of having thousands of parents driving on dangerous roads. Under the best of conditions people drive like meshugoyim here with total disregard for traffic laws. (Yes, Brooklyn has officially come to the roads of Lakewood!)

  3. #2….You make a great point! The answer to your question is that if one school G-d forbid does the sane and safe thing of closing tomorrow and some others don’t follow suit, that school might get the name of a “left wing mossad” that does not care about Torah. No one will want to apply to that school next year. Donations will stop coming in. Yes, it’s frustrating. It will not change though until this town grows up a little more. Just grin and bear it. Let it be your worst problem ever!

  4. Why should snow which is G-d’s gift to earth, stop Yiddishe Kinderlach from learnining Toras Hashem in their Chayders? Keeping them at home demonstrateour lack of Emunah in Hashem. After all, Hashem protects are Bechol Dor Vador, Shono BeShono, Rega BeRega. Parents should demand that their children’s schools should remain oper 350 days a year. We do not fear snow or rain, earth quakes, or even epidemics. Keep the schools open and the kids out of home. Otherwise they will force us to let them, Chas VeSholom, watch videos on the computers, play kosher games, and do other Bitul Zman activities. On the other hand, if the yeshivos will be open, the children will leave home on time, we, the parents will stay home because our NYC work places will be closed, and in nine months Yirbu Simchos Beyisroel.


  5. Not decided yet? What so complicated in making a decision? There is NO BUSSING and for parents to drive would be endangering childrens lives as well as hampering the clean up effort to which everyone complains about! The chief of police asked that everyone remain indoors unless there is an extreme emergency. We frum people have to follow the laws of the land too, NO?

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