NYC Dept. Of Health: New Outbreak of Mumps in Jewish Communities in Brooklyn

The NYC Health Department continues to identify mumps cases in Brooklyn’s Jewish communities and is encouraging young adults – especially males – in the community to get vaccinated unless they know they have been fully vaccinated in the past. Young men in Williamsburg, Crown Heights and Borough Park have experienced high levels of mumps for several months.

Most cases have occurred in males and an increasing number of cases have been in young adults, ages 18 to 30. Complications from mumps can include viral meningitis, hearing loss and reproductive problems for men.

The Health Department continues to identify mumps cases in Brooklyn’s Jewish communities and is encouraging young adults – especially males – in the community to get vaccinated unless they know they have been fully vaccinated in the past. As the Health Department noted in a December 2009 medical alert, young men in Williamsburg, Crown Heights and Borough Park have experienced high levels of mumps for several months. As of February 8, the agency had confirmed 909 cases and was investigating an additional 344. Most cases have occurred in males and an increasing number of cases have been in young adults, ages 18 to 30. Complications from mumps can include viral meningitis, hearing loss and reproductive problems for men.

“Vaccination against mumps is important for your health, your family’s health, and your community’s health,” said Dr. Jane R. Zucker, the Health Department’s assistant commissioner for immunization. “Mumps can lead to serious complications in people who are not vaccinated, especially adults. If you have not been vaccinated against the mumps, or do not remember if you have received the protective vaccine, get vaccinated.”

Children should receive a measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine on or after their first birthday, followed by a second dose at 4 to 6 years of age. Families that lack regular doctors can call 311 for information on where children can get vaccinated. People 10 or older who have no record of past vaccination can get the vaccine on February 17 and 18 at the locations listed below. Each site will have separate entrances for women and men and will have separate staff members to vaccinate them. The staff will be culturally sensitive and respectful.

Wednesday, February 17
2 pm – 10 pm
The Marquis
575 Bedford Avenue (between Keap Street and Rodney Street)
Brooklyn, NY 11211

Borough Park
Thursday, February 18
2 pm – 10 pm
Anshe Sfard Hall
4502 14th Avenue (between 45th Street and 46th Street)
Brooklyn, NY 11219

People over 10 can also receive free or at low-cost MMR vaccine at any of these health centers:

Quality Health Center
432 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Call for times at 718-387-2408

ODA Health Center
14 Heyward Street,
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Call for times at 718-260-4600

Borough Park
Ezra Medical Center
1312 38th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11218
Call for times at 718-686-7600

Maimonides Medical Center Primary Care Site
1250 57th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Call for times at 718-283-5700

(NYC Health Department News Release)

4 Responses

  1. Considering most people getting the mumps were vaccinated as kids, how do we know whether the blasted thing worked … until its too late?

  2. By now we all know that most of the people in our communities who contracted Mumps the last few months where fully vaccinated, I was one of them and I know 13 other men and women who where fully vaccinated and had the Mumps. Maybe it helped that we didnt have such severe cases.

    The media is trying to sensationalize that “Ultra Orthodox” dont get vaccinated.

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