Bloomberg No. 4 On List Of ’09 Philanthropists

Mayor Michael Bloomberg gave $254 million of his fortune to philanthropic causes in 2009. The Chronicle of Philanthropy ranked the billionaire No. 4 on its list of 50 Americans who gave the most to charity last year.

Bloomberg has steadily increased his giving over the years. In 2008, he gave $235 million and in 2007 he gave $205 million.

In 2009 he spread the money among 1,300 charities. He does not disclose individual amounts.

His fortune is estimated at $17.5 billion by Forbes magazine. Bloomberg founded the financial information company that bears his name.

Bloomberg was elected to a third term on November 3, 2009.

(Source: WCBSTV)

One Response

  1. The amount he gives away is far less then his income each year from all his businesses.

    Still that amount is nothing to sneeze at.
    But I wonder exactly which causes does he give to?

    Does he for example give to some kind of “lets destroy the 2nd Ammendment and bann all guns” type of group?

    Or some terrorist wacko animal rights group like the ASPCA or PETA or the Humaine Society?

    It’s not just how much you give, but also to what causes.
    That is just as important as how much is given.

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