The Future Of America Is Written On Sarah Palin’s Hand

Nashville, TN – Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has managed to spark a controversy as it has emerged that she had notes written on her palms while delivering the speech at the National Tea Party Convention in Nashville on Saturday.

The Republican leader was reportedly caught on camera consulting the notes written on her hand, which helped her during the question-and-answer session. The revelation has managed to grab immense attention and resulted in the former governor attracting widespread criticism from various quarters. Sarah Palin’s attempts to take the help of the notes scribbled in her hands, has generated negative reviews owing to the fact that while making the address, the Republican politician mocked President Barack Obama for using a teleprompter while making his speeches.

While delivering the address, the 45 year old politician surely did not presume that taking a little help during the speech could gain so much attention, but the large number of photographers and television crew present at the event ensured that the former governor could not get away with it. As Sarah Plain answered questions by convention organizer Judson Phillips and addressed the thousands of activists present at the event, photographers and cameras took shots of her left palm. Analysis of the photographs and the video footage has revealed that words such as “energy,” “tax,” and “Lift American spirits” were written in the former Alaska governor’s hands.

Meanwhile, the convention also witnessed the Republican leader express her White House ambitions as she reiterated that it would be absurd not to consider running for President in the year 2012.

21 Responses

  1. I don’t understand what all of the fuss is about. She has proven over and over again that she can think on her own, that she is intelligent, she has got moxie, and she DOESN’T need to consult her teleprompter if G-d forbid confronted with a national security crisis.

  2. #2, Sadly, you are right. Not sure if this says a lot of Palin, or if this says the rest of the political field is inept, at best.

  3. Sarah Palin is an air-head who uses the sametype of populist rhetoric that gave the world the likes of A>H> in Germant 75 years ago.
    Her speech was long on cliches and very short on ideas. These are the words of the new media, not, unfortunately, mine.

  4. I see absolutely nothing wrong with reading notes off your hand, other than if it’s in class during a test. The sick media has nothing to do except pick on shtuss v’hevel all the time. It doesn’t matter if she criticized the president for something similar. Small botch, if anything.

    Anyway, such small negative things will probably only bolster her chance at getting elected, as the American public has demonstrated that they ONLY want a scandal-ridden goof, and hate more than anything a good, upstanding citizen (e.g. George W. Bush, Gerald Ford, Pataki, and Sarah Palin herself last time around).

    I personally think she hasn’t got what it takes to hold an office of high gov’t, let alone the presidency of the United States. She gets too personally affected by derision and ridicule thrown at her by the press. But anything would be better thabn the current clown.

    So at this juncture I wish her a lot of luck.

  5. BIG DEAL!

    She simply had a few reminders of topics to speak about. So what. She still has to know enough to carry on an intelligent discussion of the details, which were not written anywhere.

    Boy, are they out to get her. Her popularity must be a real threat to the Libs!

  6. Big deal – a few words scribbled on her hand vs. a teleprompter? I don’t even see the comparison. The media is very very bored.

  7. Moose613, if you can call Palin an airhead, then I guess what would you say to Governor Paterson?

    Palin talks about conservative principles something that you seem not to be able to comprehend. To just insult someone’s intelligence because you don’t understand what they are talking about says what about you?

  8. Any and everything the media can do to try to put her down. Obama can not have a question and answer without his telepromter. How many news conferences has he Had? Count. When was the last one. Maybe she might not be a Harvard graduate but the last harvard graduate is doing a great job of trying to turn America into a socialist country. She does not want to take what is not her’s while obama says you are too stupid to keep what is yours

  9. I agree that this news report is stupid and not really news.

    I also think that if a news report came out saying Palin had killed innocent teens or had cheated on her taxes the comments above would be more or less the same.

    When will we stop saying things that we would say regardless of what happens?

  10. FYI:

    Note for all you demeagogue wannabees out there who have been brainwashed by the anti-Palin media–

    President Reagan, one of our greatest presidents. who was also ridiculed by the Leftist media, wrote out his ideas on 4×6 index cards.

    There is a vast difference between writing out topics and headlines and reading a speech on a teleprompter, word-for-word.

    A teleprompter reader is like a TV announcer–He doesn’t have to understand what he’s saying. Someone who looks at a card (or a palm) for guidance on topics to discuss, must be able to understand the topic and discuss it intelligently.

    Obama is an inexperienced teenager, taking America on a joyride that will end up in a crash.

    Palin is for real!

  11. I enjoy Palin. Can she really be the President of the US? Maybe if she really studies till election. She has GUTS. That counts alot!

  12. 15,

    You are right on target with your comments. The reason BHO has to have entire speeches or answers to simple questions scripted for him on TOTUS, is because he isn’t true to his convictions and ideas. The reason he has to have his Telly is because if he REALLY said what was on his mind instead of trying to uh uh uh uh sugarcoat everything, people would hate him even more!

    Liberalism cannot win elections which is why they have to lie all the time to get elected.

  13. Who cares teleprompter or hand written info! Her criticism of Obama’s socialist agenda was a great idea! He is destroying this country and the vast population that was listening to her speak needed to know this. How I wish that she would be in that oval office over this ideologue with his dangerous liberal agenda.

  14. i don’t understand you people, when obama has to use a teleprompter or thinks for a minute for the right words, you talk about what an idiot you think he is.
    when sarah palin writes on her hand like a 5th grader, you say “what’s the big deal?”, but if obama would have done it you would have been all over the issue.
    this is a textbook case of hero worship, where you’ve found a personality to believe in, you look at them as near infallible, you attribute your ideas to them, and you see your imagined greatness through them.
    unfortunately, people do this with the pope, with the yoisel, with rock stars, with actors, and even more unfortunately, with gedolim.
    another issue that i’m having a problem with is when so many frum jews, who don’t have a good grasp of politico-economic theory decided that everything liberal is evil, and everything conservative is great.
    we should start thinking for ourselves, some things that are liberal are great, some things that are conservative are also great.
    some liberal ideas are silly, some conservative ideas are silly.

  15. I agree with Flatbush Bubby, deepthinker, Mark Levin, Bubby Rifka,rubavchazakah and everyone else onn the side of
    Palin against the liberal media and Obama.

    About the statement regarding A.H. and Germany,
    The liberals are far more like him then anyone else.
    Every antisemitic thing ever said (like all over the internet in posts and blogs for example) has been said by a liberal.

    No one who supported Bush and supported the U.S. killing the terrorists in Iraq ever posted anti semitic statements or ideas, only those opposing Bush and stopping terrorists in Iraq ever posted antisemitism and they have always been the ones to do it.

  16. hereorthere,

    again with these baseless, broad and sweeping generalizations of yours!

    “every antisemitic thing ever said was said by a liberal”, let me explain something, authoritarianism can come from the left or from the right. most of the antisemitic remarks that i’ve seen online are from neo-nazis and other white, republican christians. the only reason that judaism and the jewish people are mainstream in america today is because of liberalism. in the 1950’s people had to hide the fact that they were jewish, because ultra conservatives, like the very people many frum people support, were socially allowed to make jews feel ashamed of their roots.
    another thing is your next statement, i am not a supporter of the idea that we did az good thing by going to war with iraq, it makes no fiscal sense, it’s cost nundreds of billions of dollars and thousands of lives. there are more terrorists operating out of iraq because we dismantled the gov’t than ever before! it’s given iran many nuclear scientists, who ran away from the turmoil in iraq, which threw their nuclear program into superdrive! it’s allowed dissident regimes to finance terrorism in a place that has been devistated by war, which is almost always a breeding ground for extremism.
    only bad things have come from this war. it’s unfortunate that you connect antisemitism with the opponents to this war. while i don’t think that antisemitism is connected to the opposition of this war, i do think that antisemitism is an issue with all of those lilly white christians living in the buckle of the bible belt….you know, those republican types.

  17. #10
    As far a governor Paterson is concerned, I daven 3 times a day to thank HaShem that I don’t live in New York.
    I am not condemning Sarah Palin for being a conservative. Barry Goldwater, whose politics I disagreed with, was one of the men I most respected in the senate.
    The country is indeed in a sad state when the vbest we have to offer is Sarah Palin and David Paterson.

  18. While I am not overly a Palin fan, although in the current political pool of slugs she is at the top of the list and does seem genuine, but what kind of morons are in the media that this has to become a story for the world?

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