Mumps Cases Still Rising In Jewish Communities In Rockland County

Rockland County, NY – More than 300 people in Rockland have been diagnosed with the mumps as a cluster that started last summer in an upstate camp for Jewish boys and turned into the largest outbreak nationwide in years continues, health officials said.

A total of 303 cases have been diagnosed in Rockland, Commissioner of Health Joan Facelle said.

Just about all local cases of the highly infectious disease are among Orthodox Jewish and Hasidic residents of Monsey and New Square, she said.

“We are hoping that we are past the peak,” said Facelle. “But it’s too soon to tell.”

Read more at The Journal News 

28 Responses

  1. unfortunatly, they said over 60% of the people with these cases did not get the immunizaton for it. totaly unacceptable.
    the potential damage you can do to your kids and others is just not worth the chance.
    If these 60% were immunized- we would probably not be hearing about a single case now.

  2. well, that’s what happens when people live in a world of their own, believing that scientists are all wrong because they once heard a piece of anecdotal evidence that the vaccine gives the children autism, without any scientific evidence to back it up!
    give your children the vaccine!!

  3. This is absolutely horrifying. Mumps causes sterility in 10% of the boys who catch it. That means that 10% of these boys will NEVER be able to have children. So in a few years when they are dating they will have to tell the girls, “My parents never gave me the MMR vaccine and I developed mumps, so now I am sterile and I can’t have children.”

    Vaccines DO NOT cause autism! Mumps causes sterility in 10% of the cases.


  4. Within the last two weeks the researchers who published the original report that vaccines could cause autism have PUBLISHED A RETRACTION.

    They admit that they misused the data they had and that the conclusions they published were deliberately false.

    There is no reason at all not to vaccinate your chld.

  5. I hate to rain on your parade of criticism here as you seem to be enjoying yourselves, but all the people i know who’ve recently had the mumps were, in fact, vaccinated.

  6. “CONCLUSION: As postpubertal mumps in males is associated with a 40% incidence of orchitis, parents should be made aware that failing to immunize their children threatens the future fertility of their sons. Young men not immunized as children should be counselled and offered urgent vaccination.” (Mumps orchitis in the non-immune postpubertal male: a resurgent threat to male fertility? BJU Int. 2006 Jan;97(1):138-41.)

  7. Do you know for a fact these people were not immunized?
    Or how many years does a mumps vaccine last?

    I got whooping cough last year. I said “Hey- I was Immunized against that!”
    I learned it turns out that many childhood vaccinations are a lot like tetanus- they only last a certain number of years, and without a booster, fade away. The shots are given to get kids through the riskiest years of childhood, and then our regular immune systems are expected to manage most of what comes our way.

    None of those diseases are completely stamped out. People catch things.

    But nothing replaces common sense- like covering your mouth with your sleeve when you cough, washing your hands frequently, and for frum Jews also washing your hand washing cups frequently- everybody shares them!

  8. 1&2,

    you are both off the mark .. as usual.

    People who are getting it are people who HAD the vaccine! This is a strain that the vaccine doesn’t cover.

    I know at least five people that had/have it (including family members) & they ALL had the vaccine!!!!!!

    Ask any doctor & they will tell you that having had the vaccine doesn’t help in this case!

  9. Every person I know that got the mumps (my own kids included!) all got the vaccine when they were babies. And their cases were not mild. The vaccine did nothing for them.

  10. To mamaesh takeh,

    Where did you get that figure of 60%, I have not seen that anywhere.

    To Hanavon,

    You sound like an anti-semite with your comments. Such information was published in medical journals such as lancet and it was just last week reversed. It has also been the subject of congressional hearings and there have been extremely well known people speaking about this publicly. It is the furthest thing from these people (and we know that you are referring to chasidim even though it has affected a cross section of frum people, it sounds like you are excluding yourself from frum people) not being aware of what’s going and relying on a made up rumor.
    Give it is up, you sound more and more dispacable with each post.
    Comment on the urinal news, that is where you would feel comfortable.

  11. hanavon, my pediatrician told me that the people getting this form of mumps had both shots and tested positive for the antibodies. So, their immunizations didn’t help.

    My son learns in Brooklyn, and his friend just got it a couple of weeks ago. Scary stuff!

  12. I personally know a number of ppl who just had the Mumps. THEY WERE ALL IMMUNIZED! Stop talking with such hate! Most ppl do give immunizations.

  13. I had the mumps and I know 8 other people who had it recently, we all had two MMR shots, so dont believe The Journal News they just love to bash hasidim

  14. mark levin, and to whomever else believes this to be a new strain:

    if this is indeed a new strain, then how come the only people who are getting it members of a segment of the population that normally doesn’t accept any scientific evidence or advice, and many people in this demographic do not in fact immunize their children.
    in the cases of a large percentage of families that i know who live in monsey, they do not give their children the mmr, but they do however ask heimishe doctors to sign off that they got it.
    i do realize that a certain percentage of people who received the vaccine will get the mumps, but
    according to dr. chris zimmerman, medical director for the bureau of immunization with the new york city health department that the effectiveness of the vaccine maybe in the 76% to 95% range.

  15. But nothing replaces common sense- like covering your mouth with your sleeve when you cough, washing your hands frequently, and for frum Jews also washing your hand washing cups frequently- everybody shares them!>>>>>>>>>>>

    My own study which was watching with other shul members, watching if people were washing their hands after coming out of the bathroom. the sink is located in the shul itself so we did not have to get up and work hard for this little study.

    Only one person in 3 hours washed their hands.

    And for sneezing, most people sneezed in their hand and then wiped their hands on the pants.

    The signs that say employees should write their hands should be thrown out in the garbage.

    It seems that many people thought their entire life that only employees of a restauarant have to wash their hands. New signs should go up and have written in big words


    It’s disgusting not to wash the hands well after using a bathroom. And when coughing please dont cough all over me but use a tissue and not over other people davening or on the shliach tzibur.

    Almost all viruses can be avoided as simple as wash the hands technique.

    Google “hand washing” for instructions.

    I rest my case.

  16. FYI: NYC Dept. of Health is planning to offer MMR vaccine in Brooklyn through 2 PODs scheduled for February 17 in Williamsburg and February 18 in Borough Park. PODs are being conducted in response to an ongoing outbreak of Mumps in Brooklyn among members of the orthodox Jewish community. PODs will be open to the public from 2pm to 10pm each day.
    I will post more info about exact locations later in the week.

  17. Hanovan,

    You prove my point once again. You make up comments to prove a lie that you are promoting.

    The communities you are referring to are highly sophisticated and knowlegeable about medical issues. They are the ones with the world famous medical referral groups.

    You made a comment that they have heimish doctors falsify documents for them? Are you accusing them of illegalities? Well pony up proof if you are saying that.

    I say that you are a vile dispicable liar.

    Your line about denying scientific evidence does show something. That you think scientific evidence is the highest form of proof and you obviously do not believe that HKB”H created the world in six days. To you I say , you are a kofer. Nothing you say can be believed.

    And as aside, if between 5 and 24% of the time the innoculation is innefective, as you qouted stats, then the amount of cases showing up fully supports that most were vaccinated. 300 is much less then 5% and certainly much less than 24%.

    Do you copy your comments from the Urinal News?

  18. Music outlet,

    Can I hire you to sit by the bathroom in the DOH to do your study?

    Also, can I sell you a punctuation mark or two for your next comment, it will make it slightly easier to comprehend.

    Scientific evidence should be presented clearly or else Hanavon will not be able to daven to it.

  19. Jose, you are right on the money.

    My pediatrician quoted the CDC. He said that the people who are getting this strain of the mumps not only were giving two shots of the MMR but were tested and found to have the antibodies of the mumps.

    hanavon, I hope YWEditor blocks your posts from now on. You are a real kidra.

  20. I understand that this is quite scary and upsetting. I have only one thing to say. As religious Jews we are taught that if Hashem sends an affliction we need to look within and if we are busy attacking each other it only serves to make the situation worse. To tie this in with Purim, Haman knew that if there wasn’t achdus (oneness) among us then he would win. So, instead of trying to bash each other, in a positive way, why not just try to help and offer assistance to each other in any way possible.

  21. jose:

    i might be a kofer, i might not be a kofer, i don’t know what hashem thinks about me, although it seems from your comments that you do know. since you’ve got the direct phone connection to the infinite, can you please ask hashem for me whether i’m going to get the money i dovined for?
    as for my belief in scientific evidence, what on earth does that have to do with whether or not hashem created the universe?
    i am a believer in the rambam’s understanding of scientific evidence which is, as he says in moreh nevuchim, that “if we can prove, philosophically (with scientific evidence) that the world has always been here (and was never created at all) than we must believe it!”
    everything goes after logic and proof. if i want to believe that a historical event happened one way, and i find many, many examples of indisputable proof that the event happened in a different way, it would be wrong of me to continue believing in my old understanding of the event, and that would be no different than believing something that is totally ridiculous like that the moon is made of cheese.

  22. Isn’t this a frum website? So why are people calling each other nasty names and making virtually unprintable comments?

    R’ Yisroel Salanter said: “Divrei chachamim b’nachas nishma’im.” And then there’s “Derech Eretz kadmah l’Torah.” So why are we being treated to this kind of language? Can’t we disagree with each other like menschen?

  23. midwest, i agree with you, it’s unfortunate that when people disagree with me they call me things like a vile dispicable liar, and insult my intelligence.
    it doesn’t really bother me that much when people do that though, because whatever their iq may be, mine is almost undoubtedly higher.

  24. Between 1968 and 1998 the frequency of mumps decreased by 98 or 99% in the United States. This is due to widespread vaccination. The vacine used is the MMPI and two shots are recommended. Folks who doubt this should do a search for “mumps frequency” on googe.

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