Man At Bar Mitzvah Saves Life With Automated Defibrillator Again

Merrick, NY – For the second time in three years, a man who believes a defibrillator arrived too late to help his own son has used the device to save a life.

Dr. Craig Levine, an oral surgeon from Merrick, was at a bar mitzvah at the Seawane Country Club in Hewlett last Saturday when he saw his friend Lew Goldman, the host of the event, passed out on the dance floor. With the help of an automated external defibrillator, Levine revived Goldman.

“I immediately knew that he was in cardiac arrest, and I yelled out for someone to get an AED,” said Levine, who has campaigned to make defibrillators more readily available. “I unfortunately have been through experiences like this.”

In 2005, Levine’s son Robbie, 9, died on a Little League ballfield in Merrick. A policeman responding to the scene brought an AED, but it was too late.

In Levine’s Bay Shore office in April 2007, he saw a patient waiting for a dental consultation collapse from a heart attack.

Levine brought out an AED and saved her life.

The coincidence of saving a patient and a friend from the tragedy that rocked his family leaves Levine humbled, he said.

“All these things that happen make me think of my son,” Levine said. “I couldn’t save my son, but I saved the lives of two people and spared their families.”

Goldman collapsed during his twin sons’ bar mitzvah.

“I don’t know what to make of it, why this keeps happening,” Levine said Friday, shaking his head ruefully.

“The real story is the AED saved my life,” Goldman said Friday from his Merrick home, where he was recovering. “Craig Levine is a hero.”

Goldman, 53, who works on Wall Street, turned out to have 95 percent blockage of one of his arteries and had to have stents put in.

“The fact that Craig was there and they had an AED at the Seawane Country Club, and that it happened that night, I’m one lucky man,” Goldman said.

“I could have gone home and gone to bed and never woken up. Somehow through the unbelievable misfortune of the Levines, their son has a way of touching people’s lives,” he said.

After their son’s death, Levine, 44, and his wife, Jill, 40, launched Forever 9-The Robbie Levine Foundation to provide youth sports leagues with AEDs.

Jill Levine said she will continue advocating for AEDs to be present not only at sports fields, but at catering halls and other event spaces where people might overexert themselves.

“Ideally I’d like to have it mandatory,” she said. “Unfortunately, there are many Robbies.”

An AED donated by the foundation to the Baymen Soccer Club in Sayville was used to help a 40-year-old man who passed out during soccer practice in May 2009, she said.

Her husband is gaining a reputation as some kind of angel, Jill Levine said.

“I have friends who tell me they want to hang out with only me now all the time,” he said with a laugh.


7 Responses

  1. well it’s pretty simple…

    God decided that its Rob’s time to leave this world, and in order to prove the point that it has “nothing” to do with an AED but solely god’s decision, he put Dr. Levine in this situation!!


    A 19yr old Bochur who has lost a younger brother recently

  2. 1hocker,
    I don’t know if your story is true. If it is, my condolences. BDE however this Dr. Saved 2 lives which by having an AED and lost a 9 year old boy. You have no right to judge him. You have no right to speak for Hashem. The fact is this man saved 2 lives. 2 lives!!!! May we all be zoche to save a life one day!

    P.s. I think that all wedding halls should have AED’s!!!

  3. maybe i missed something but where did they pull that ADE thing out of? makes it sound like he keeps one in his back pocket

  4. farfrumt – I was there. Mr Goldman is my brother. The Country Club is equipped with an AED and Dr Levine also has one. Anyone can attend training and get certified in CPR/AED training through the Red Cross and other organizations. Dr Levine saved my brother’s life with the AED and for that I am most grateful. It took longer than 4 minutes for the EMT to arrive, after which, his chances of survival were not good. To anyone who is not convinced these devices save lives, you need only witness the miracle I did at my nephew’s bar mitzvah, when the doctor’s were finally able to find a pulse again after using the AED. Dr Levine is a hero.


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