PHOTOS: Yeshiva Students Save Woman From Burning Home

(FULL PHOTO COVERAGE BELOW) Brooklyn, NY – A second-alarm fire ripped through a home in the Midwood section of Brooklyn Thursday morning, and some Talmidim at a nearby Yeshiva are being hailed as heroes.

The fire broke out on East 35th Street between Ave K-L just after 10:30 a.m., and heavy smoke spewed through the area.

Yeshiva Tiferes Yisroel was evacuated, and it was the quick thinking of three teenage Bochrim that saved the lives of a woman and her daughter.

The fire started on the second floor of a house, and Kenya Robinson was inside. She was on the first floor with her 2-year-old and had no idea the the flames and smoke were taking over.

Helen Lebowitz lives in the attached home to the left.

“I smelled smoke, looked outside and looked against her house and saw movement, like flames,” she said.

But students at Yeshiva Tiferes Yisroel knew something was wrong.

“It was a lot of smoke,” student Albert Grazi said. “It was increasing as time went on, and we all ran down…We wanted to go and see if we could help in any way.”

They didn’t hesitate and ran out of class.

“Us three ran downstairs, we knocked on the door on the right, heard the dog barking and she didn’t know there was a fire,” student Daniel Caler said.

“We told the lady, she thought something was burning in the oven or something,” student Danny Tliv said. “She grabbed her child. The dog ran back in the house, she ran out.”

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click on the following link for photos taken for YWN by Shimon Gifter:

(Source: WABC)

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