Brooklyn: 18 Years For Swastikas & Weapons Cache

Brooklyn, NY – Kings County District Attorney Charles J. Hynes today announced the guilty plea of Ivaylo Ivanov, 39, for spray painting swastikas on numerous locations in his neighborhood and possessing a secret cache of weapons, including explosives, in his Brooklyn Heights apartment. He pled guilty to three counts of Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the First Degree, one count of Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Second Degree and four counts of Criminal Mischief in the Fourth Degree as a Hate Crime. He will be sentenced to 18 years in prison on February 25 before Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Neil Firetog.

Ivanov will receive 18 years for possessing numerous pipe bombs in his home. He will also be sentenced to an additional 15 years, to run concurrently, for possessing a 9mm handgun, with which he shot himself in the hand. In addition, Ivanov will be sentenced to one-and-a-third to four years for each count of Criminal Mischief in the Fourth Degree as a Hate Crime, which will also run concurrent to the 18 years.

On January 20, 2008, Ivanov shot himself in the hand in his Remsen Street apartment. After police arrived and questioned him, Ivanov consented to a search of his apartment, where police found a cache of weapons, including explosives, the 9mm handgun and other guns and ammunition.

On September 24, 2007, Ivanov went around his neighborhood, spray painting swastikas on cars, sidewalks and buildings including two synagogues. He also papered cars in the neighborhood with flyers containing swastikas and the words “Kill all the Jews”.

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