Rush Limbaugh on Rahm Emanuel ‘Retarded’ Comment: Liberals Are ‘Retards’

Rush Limbaugh has pounced on Rahm Emanuel’s “retarded” blunder and is using the same offensive term to bludgeon his enemies on the left.

On yesterday’s episode of “The Rush Limbaugh Show,” the right-wing icon used the firestorm surrounding Obama’s chief of staff as cover to blast liberal activists as “retards,” and suggest a “retard summit” is in the offing at the White House.

The embattled Emanuel sat down yesterday afternoon at the White House with a group of advocates for the disabled to apologize for hurling the phrase “(word removed by YWN) retarded” during a closed-door strategy session in August.

The slur, reported last week, was thrust in the spotlight after Sarah Palin called for Rahm to be fired in a Facebook post.

Palin, whose son has Downs syndrome, likened Rahm’s expletive to use of the N-word.

Limbaugh, on whose show Palin has appeared at least twice, clearly has none of his fellow conservative’s apprehension about using the term as a pejorative.

“Our political correct society is acting like some giant insult’s taken place by calling a bunch of people who are retards, retards,” Limbaugh said on the show. “I mean these people, these liberal activists are kooks.

“They are loony tunes. And I’m not going to apologize for it, I’m just quoting Emanuel. It’s in the news,” he continued.

“I think their big news is he’s out there calling Obama’s number one supporters (profanity removed by YWN) retards. So now there’s going to be a meeting. There’s going to be a retard summit at the White House. Much like the beer summit between Obama and Gates and that cop in Cambridge.”

(Source: NY Daily News)

30 Responses

  1. too bad ywn posts things put of the snews that is a LIE!
    i was listening yesterday and today and I would swear on a stack of bibles that the story you have is SHEKER.

  2. This article is trying to do to Rush (and failing) exactly what Rush has been successfully pointing out, about liberals.

    Hypocrisy is the word, here.

    But Rush is not the hypocrite because he would never have criticised Rohm if liberals had not for years, been trying to ‘get’ Republicans on every single word they say.

    When Dan Quayle mispelled potato, all we heard for the next ten years was “how stupid” he was.

    We won’t hear that about Obama now that he called military people ‘corpsemen’ and pronounced the ‘p’ which is supposed to be silent, when saying the word.

    So now the Democrats want to ‘take out’ (whatever that means) the word, retard.

    Rush also pointed out that there is in the dictionary of slang, an even worse word ‘tard’ meaning someone so bad that they do not even deserve to ‘re’ in front of it.

    And Rush suggested they take out that word, too.

    Rush thanked G-d for enemies like the Democrats that were so stupid as to attack him for what their own people say.

    He was right on.

  3. Not one comment? Really? Where is everyone saying how he should be fired and condemned for his insensitivity, especially those who ranted about Rahm Emanuel?

  4. Soo…Rahm slipped up and used a non-PC term. Big media gaffe, everyone demands an apology, he apologizes in front of a group advocated for the disabled.

    And Rush follows up by using the same term?

  5. #2 hereorthere

    Really, what are you talking about?

    “Retard” is an offensive term, and no longer used to describe someone who is mentally challenged. G-d forbid you should have to deal with a family member in such a situation, because perhaps that’s what it takes for some people to understand the sensitivity of the language.

    It never ceases to astound me, how people who claim to be so careful with their lashon in one regard can be so careless in another.

    Rohm was wrong. He was chastised, Palin called for his recognition, and he apologized. Then Rush did the SAME THING. And you’re saying that he’s not wrong, because he firmly believes in the word? That he’s against the liberal plot to remove the word?

    You, and other defenders of such nonsense, have no excuse.

  6. Not Bubby — Where are YOU demanding Rahm be fired and condemned?

    Rush is playing on Rahm. Anyone who can go after Rush for this, must first demand Rahm’s head.

  7. So Rahm apologized so what?
    every single time a Republican apologized for saying something Democrats didn’t like, it never mattered.

    The Republicans in many cases got on their knees and apologized over and over again and said a hundred mea culpas they were still hounded out of office with no forgiveness wahtsoever.

    And Rush was pointing that out by using the same word just so the idiots would attack him while making excuss for their guy.

    It’s fun to watch Rush use his intellect to run rings around these left wing idiots.

  8. No justajew, using the same historical revisionism as akuperma, Rush was merely repeating and sharing with his listeners what Rahm Emanuel said.

    I heard about this yesterday and I would never, ever rely on the Daily Shmooze for their version of the facts. They are not to be trusted. A much more better source of the news would have been Fox (such as Sean Hannity’s show or Neil Cavuto), the Wall Street Journal, Newsmax, and/or the New York Post. To quote the Daily Shmooze is to do injustice to Rush.

    But, Palin is right. Rahm a.k.a. Al Capone as Mr. Levin calls him should be fired. I would love to see the fall of this self-hating Jew.

  9. retarded or not, rush limbaugh is an idiot, he gets up there and makes up facts and figured…any intelligent person who checks out what he says is always surprised to find that almost none of it is true!
    as a libertarian, i’m appalled at the left and right wing….theyre all retarded.

  10. No one can show a single thing Rush said, that was not factual.

    And libertarians are liberals.
    They want all drug laws revoked, that is pure liberalism.

    If you are liberal at all even in on thing, you are liberal now matter how you try and shade it as something different.

  11. No, hanavon, Limbaugh does not make things up. And if you would lie about that you’d probably also lie about being a libertarian. You’re no libertarian, you’re a socialist.

    hereorthere, what’s wrong with legalising drugs? It only took Americans 10 years to see the folly of banning alcohol; how many decades must pass, how many people must die, how many billions must be wasted, before people see how insane this prohibition is?

  12. # 11

    first of all, why shouldn’t some of the drug laws be repealed? marijuana for example. in areas where marijuana is legal, there isn’t any more crime, in fact there is less crime! and even less people use it in holland now than when it was illegal, just goes to show, the orthodox neo-conservative movement is made up of completely uneducated baffoons…but then again, you probably also think that the world is less than 6,000 years old, so…there you have it!

    second, you stated “even if you’re liberal on one thing, you’re a liberal” what?! that may well be the stupidest thing i’ve ever heard anyone say…ever.

  13. hanavon,

    thank you for adding your 1 cent here. its too bad that as a lib the only thing you could do is call people “idiot” when you disagree with them politically.

    Anyone making an anti-Rush comment here either wasn’t listing to the programs or they have an ax to grind.

    As I said before, I would swear on a stack of bibles that Rush didn’t say it as it was reported. While reporting the story he kept predicting how the drive by media (and YWN too??! say it aint so!!) would report it as if HE said it and not that he was quoting Dead Fish.

  14. #11 – I suggest you do some more study of libertarianism.

    Libertarians share many views with liberals. We also share many views with conservatives. For example, we want to end government welfare. Is that a liberal position? We want to end income tax. Is that a liberal position? We want to get the federal government out of the abortion business. Is that a liberal position?

    In fact, most libertarians who don’t run for office on the Libertarian ticket run as republicans. Does that sound like something a liberal would do?

    There are many good websites where you can learn about what libertarianism REALLY is. Why don’t you check them out.

  15. The last time either Rush or Palin were right about anything will be a first for both of them.
    Sean Hanritty’s show is opinion, not news, as he admitted himself many times.

  16. Moose613, Sean admits that he makes opinion but he always cites news sources so his opinion is based on fact.

    Too bad that you never listen to Rush or else you would know he was right. Palin is right to demand that Rahm get fired. She did lot more for the citizens of Alaska then you are right now for the Jewish people.

  17. It was liberals themselves, who decided that anyone who was not a conservative was a liberal and who further decided that only those not liberal on any issue at all, were not liberals.

    Just look at all the attacks on Republicans or anyone who ever supported anything conservative.

    If they were caught cheating on their wives or in any financial underhanded dealings they were attacked by the liberals as being “phonies” and “hypocrites” and the like.

    Further, Libertarians are notorious for hating Bush and being against our stopping the terrorists before they get here.
    They made fun of Sarah Palin and criticised her for having a small Israeli flag in her office.

    They support nazilibs like Ron Paul and his antisemitism is pure liberalism while libertarianism is supposed to have a “live and let live” attitude whioch in fact, it does not.

    As for drugs, you can’t just legalize pot (and pot is not so harmless as many claim many violent thugs (including Hitler supporters who wnat another holocaust) are big supporters and users of Pot.

    Also, a true libertarian to be consistent would have to be for legalizing all drugs including Meth and Crack and all the other hard drugs which society had a reason for banning in the first place because at one time those that existed then (like cocaine and Hashish) were legal and caused so many problems they had to be outlawed.

  18. I shopuld ad that anyone seeming to be on the conservative or republican side who even had the slightest involvement in anything the libs could attck tem for (even if the scandal was really about Democrats) they would stil single out the Republican and scream about “fake family values”.

    So obviously a Conservative must be totally conservative and squeaky clean as decided by liberals.

    And as decieed by liberals anyone who does any of these liberal things or supports anything even slightly liberal whatsoever cannot be at all consdiered as conservative even slightly.

    This again means liberals are deciding libertarians have to be liberals.

  19. Bubby,
    How do you know what I am doing for the Jewish people right now?
    BTW what are you doing?
    Most opinions are based on facts as perceived by the peron expressing the opinion.
    Good Shabbos

  20. #16 – Thanks, Moose 613, for what you said. It was perfect.

    Rush and Palin are fools. Worst part is that they’re dangerous fools.

  21. Rush has mocked, ridiculed, and insulted just about everyone who disagrees with him. Who is he to comment on any comment Rahm Emanuel makes, whether Rahm said something thoughtless, or not.

    Love the pic of Rush licking the barbecue sauce off his fingers or trying to keep a huge piece of cake stuffed in his mouth.

  22. Anyone who critcizes Rush Limbaugh in this matter doesn’t appreciate or is totally ignorant of all the facts involved. His response is genuine and from the heart. Remember, anyone who is as vocal a friend of Israel as Limbaugh certainly is should not be bashed around just because they are pro Obama. Limbaugh calls it as it is.

  23. Anyone who thinks there are facts involved with Rush Limbaugh (other than to be used as a platform from where he can twist the truth), or is entertained by the radio show host, is totally ignorant of the facts that exist outside of Limbaugh’s skewed perception designed for one thing; to fit his own agenda.

    Remember, there are people who are not pro Obama and think he should be impeached, and who do like numerous conservative spokespeople, but think Limbaugh is a blowhard.

    And why is this? Because they are thinking heads and not dittoheads.

  24. mark levin, and hereorthere:

    first of all, i don’t know why all this talk about people with liberal views at all? the convservatives want christian values which include anti-torah ideas. the end result of conservatism can be as bad or worse than the end result of liberalism.
    as for marijuana being legalized, we have to look at the facts. the fact is that marijuana is not a dangerous drug, the fact is that the us gov’t spends billions fighting it when they could be areas where it is legal, they don’t have the problems that the propoganda ministers of prohibition claim.
    and as for legalizing other drugs like methamphetimine, cocaine and heroin…they already are legal! you can gt a prosciption for methamphetamine from your doctor, and adderal and ritalin are in the same class.
    cocaine is a schedule 2 narcotic, which means you can get a presciption for it! yes, cocaine hydrochloride can be obtained with a prescription if it is needed.
    heroin, this is the same as ‘diamorphine’, which is a prescription drug in the uk, and while it is not allowed in medical use in the united states, we have several opiates and opioids that are significantly more potent than heroin, including fentanyl!
    it should be noted that marijuana use is recorded in ancient history, without problems, and even by the radvaz, who says that “in egypt we use it and become ‘shikur’ on it”.
    next subject, an answer to you “mark lvein”, it’s funny that if i say that conservatives are idiots you say that ive only said that because i dont have an answer, as if im totally uneducated and not intelligent, and that you have more information than me…somehow, even though you’re a mashigiach, and i can speak about political science, philosophy, history, science, theology and many other subjects on a level that is high enough that professors of those various subjects often ask me my opinion….but when it came down to our discussion about kashrus on another article (the ‘it tastes like sugar’ article) i wrote a well thought out, well written answer with proofs and logic and you can only say things like “stop flapping your gums”..
    next is this person ‘milhouse’….no i’m not a socialist. although you’re probably more of a socialist than i am. you probably don’t get bothered by the fact that most yeshivas and people in the american ultra orthodox world take money from the gov’t, either from food stamps, welfare, wic, federal money for yeshivas and so on, as a libertarian i think that none of that should ever be given out!

  25. Conservatives believe in allowing the freedoms to be what and who they wish to be with government stepping in only enough to ensure and guarantee those rights and freedoms.

    So “Christian values” would not intrude onto Torah values or force Jews to follow anything Christian.

    Libertarian values on the other hand are already causing harm to Jews by the Ron Paul fanatical antisemites who want to use “libertarianism” to hide behind while they build it into a national nazi like, party.

    I have lived in neighborhoods with pot smokers and they were far from peaceful.
    They were in fact bruttish thuigs and bullies who used to put M-80 firecrackers on our windows to blow them up.

    They also used to love to poison dogs and cats as well as breaking and entering and stealing.

    Further as I said once
    Pot was legalized it would look quite hypocritical to say “yes to this drug but not to that other one”.

    As far as asnwering others about name calling, I firmly beleive and have seen that it truly is used in place of factual and logical answers.

    Many times on other blogs or message boards someone name calls or makes a physical threat or challenge becaus ethey have no response to an argument that just refuted them.

    A truly intelligent person has a logical non name calling response to what someone else says.

    The only exceptions I would see to that would be if tehy used it to show someone else, what it is like to get it back, because in some cases they will not understand any other way.

    Many blogs are nothing but name calling and it only stops when you give it back to those who started it (by liberals everytime without exception in my experience), and only then can you get back to amything resembling an intelligent debate or discussion.

  26. By the way it is a mindless mantra to say ” we think and Limbaugh listeners, are just dittoheads” as in saying “dittoheads can’t think”.

    That is not factual, it’s just a mindless mantra to repeat.

    If Rush had actually said anything not true he would have been called on it by everyone, including those fake so called “conservatives” supported by limbuagh haters.

  27. hereorthere:
    well, i’ve lived in neighborhoods with people who are violent and are not pot smokers, ive lived near people who smoke pot and are not violent, so your argument is fallacious. that’s what we call logic!

  28. When people attack others specifically for not being pot smokers as they have me, then their violence centers specifically around the pot.

    Even if the pot pdes not cause the violence it still shows that those who are violent are the same types who use post and will attack others for not using it.

    It’s just like how violence and prostitution go together.
    Areas of a city where people go for prostitution
    are more dangerous even if prostitution does not cause violence they still go together.

    There is nothing wrong with my argument or right with your logic.
    You might ‘call’ it logic that does not ‘make it’ logic.

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