1 World Trade Center hits 20th floor

The tower that will be known as 1 World Trade Center has reached the equivalent of the 20th floor.

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey said Wednesday that the skyscraper is now 200-feet above street level.

The authority said workers are installing 16 steel nodes on the 20th-floor level. They serve as joints between the steel framing for the building’s podium and the steel for the rest of the tower.

Port Authority Executive Director Chris Ward said the progress is a sign that the site is no longer a pit.

The planned 104-story skyscraper is scheduled to be completed in 2013. It will be 1,776-feet from street level to the top of the tower’s antenna.

(Source: NY Post)

3 Responses

  1. It’s good that they fibnally started rebuilding.

    I still think that new buildings should have been bigger much taller versions, of the Twin Towers.

    There were several unique things about the Twin towers among all buildings over 1000 feet tall.

    For one thing no other buildings that tall or taller were straight up and down from sidewalk to roof where you could be on the roof and look straight down.

    For another thing such straightness with all that glass all around gave off a unique light show from sunrise to sunset.

    For still another thing because of the straight up and down style the Twin Towers were the only buildings that tall that had as much space on the top floor as on any other floor.

    All this was lost when they decided on some other design.

    I miss the Twin towers and their uniqueness out of all buildings that tall all over the world.

  2. I just remembered that Taipai 101, also has it’s top floor as large as any other, but not all floors are the same size in that building.

    And you might be able to look straight down from the roof (not sure), but certainly it wll not produce the same daily light show.

    It might produce some light show, but not the same as the Twin Towers did.

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