American Israelis Blast ‘Gang of 54’ US Congressmen for Anti-Israel Letter to Obama

The American Israeli Action Coalition (AIAC) today strongly criticized a group of 54 U.S. Congressmen for falsely charging that Israel was inflicting “collective punishment” on the residents of the Gaza Strip.

AIAC is a non-partisan, non-political, issue-oriented NGO whose purpose is to represent the united voice of the more than 250,000 Americans living in Israel on issues which affect Israel, Israel-U.S. relations, and the Jewish people worldwide.

In a recent letter to President Obama, the 54 Congressmen (all Democrats) charged that “the blockade imposed by Israel….following Hamas’ coup and particularly following Operation Cast Lead” imposed a “de facto collective punishment…..of the residents of the Gaza Strip.”

“This charge is preposterous and amounts to nothing more than outright, outrageous Israel-bashing,” stated AIAC Chairman Harvey Schwartz. “No where do the ‘Gang of 54′ point out that there has not been an Israeli in Gaza ever since the Israeli disengagement from there 5 years ago (other than the approximately one month Operation Cast Lead in 2009, when Israel was forced to conduct a defensive operation against Hamas’ indiscriminate firing of more than 7,000 missiles against Israeli civilians). Nor did they mention that the well-being of Gaza’s population is solely the responsibility of Hamas – which they elected in 2007 – not Israel. The financial assistance given to Gaza by numerous European countries, as well as hundreds of millions of dollars in aid pledged by the United States, has been used by Hamas either to further its terrorist activities or to line the pockets of its leaders, rather than to provide for the needs of Gazans.”

“The ‘Gang of 54’s’ blatant anti-Israel position is demonstrated by the group’s use of the inflammatory phrase ‘collective punishment of the Palestinian residents of the Gaza Strip,’ and the failure to even mention the responsibility of Hamas, which the U.S. government has designated as a terrorist organization,” continued Schwartz. “If Israel has been guilty of ‘collective punishment’ for defending its civilian population from Hamas’ terrorist attacks emanating from Gaza, then why hasn’t this same group similarly charged the U.S. government for inflicting ‘collective punishment on the civilian population’ for the almost 60 year U.S. embargo against North Korea, the almost 50 year U.S. embargo against Cuba and the ever increasing U.S. sanctions against Iran? Why do these 54 Congressmen believe that Israel has any less of a right to defend itself from its enemies than their own government has? Why do they support the Hamas terrorists and not the State of Israel, America’s best friend in the Middle East?”

“The American Israelis believe that this group of misguided Congressmen represents neither the views of the Obama administration nor most Americans,” stated AIAC Director Aaron Tirschwell. “They deserve the censure of all Americans of good will.”

Tirschwell called upon American Israelis and those in the United States to contact the White House ( and the “Gang of 54” ( to make their voices heard and speak out about this crucial issue.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. While it feels very good just to blast these congressmen, we can’t just hide our heads in the sand.

    20 years ago zero congressmen could have sent a letter like that. None of them would have gotten re-elected.

    What changed? Why do these congressmen think-and they are probably right–that today their voters won’t care if they attack Israel?

    If we don’t admit we’re in trouble we’re gonna be in worse trouble.

  2. Raboisai,

    ALL 54 Members of Congress who signed this letter are DEMORATS.

    Please remember this when you VOTE in November, 2010.

  3. What changed is that liberalism has grown far too powerful.
    The Arabs and their lobbying groups like CAIR, have too much power in the US

  4. #2 Avreich Man – The simple answer is that our President shares their anti-Israel sentiments. These congressmen feel that Obama lacks the courage to step on Israel’s neck so they are prodding him.

  5. Two of the signers are Jews John Yarmouth and Bob Filner, the main instigator is a Muslim Keith Ellison from Somalia, Minnesota. Many of the signers are members of the Congressional Black Caucus of whom OBAMA knows very well (he was a member himself). I am surprised Ron Paul is not there.

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