Nail-Biting Time For Organizers Of Passover Programs

With just about eight weeks to go, organizers of Passover programs throughout the world are betting that the slight boost in the economy will help them fill rooms quicker this year.

Last year, say the organizers, it pretty much came down to a last-minute surge. For some it meant renegotiating room blocks and downsizing their programs in general. Israeli hotels are hoping that the mid-week Passover (eve of March 29th – April 6th) will drive more tourist traffic to the Jewish state. Last year, the hotels filled rooms with Israelis instead of the coveted tourists from overseas.

Several program organizers told KosherToday that they were courted by major hotels throughout the country in what they explained is an effort by the hotels to “drum-up business during the recession.” Some of the hotels had turned down the business in previous years. Florida programs, say the organizers, are expected to do well with the relatively early Passover. More than 30 programs were advertised in some of the weeklies with each claiming to feature notables and Jewish music stars.

The Passover hotel business has been estimated to be worth nearly $100 million with at least another $25 million accounting for travel. An estimated 20,000 Americans and Canadians are expected to spend Passover at one of the hotels. One travel expert predicted that “this would be more of a stay-at-home Passover,” meaning that programs in Europe and perhaps Israel would not fare as well as the domestic programs. One program operator thought that some of the people that stayed away last year would return this year, “particularly those that did somewhat better in the (stock) market.” He was worried that there may not be enough time to “really fill up my place,” but he predicted that he would pass the “threshold” which he described as being just barely profitable.

(Source: KosherToday)

4 Responses

  1. And our Mosdos are months behind on paying the Rabbeyim & teachers. Chesed organizations do not have funds to help the really poor of our community. Kollelim are closing. People have defaulted on their dedication promises and obligation to schools, shuls and organizations…So, the Pesach hotel business is worth 100 million dollars plus 25 million for travel? What is wrong with us? When did we become so goyish and hedonistic in our outlook and way of life? No, I am not talking about the small percentage of people that need to go away for Pesach for personal or tragic reasons unfortunately. This is nothing short of a sad commentary. Sorry.

  2. and for many families going away for pesach is income- those leading sedorim, mashgichim. please dont be so quick to condemn. perhaps this is the one time a year that an entire family gets to spend time together. perhaps for whatever reason a family is not capable of making pesach at home and does not have family or friends to go to. and even if someone IS splurging, what business is it of yours? Hashem gave them the money to spend as they see fit. perhaps they are also giving lots of tzedaka?

  3. #3. Don’t fool yourself, going away for Pesach is a luxury and unfortunately many of the people who go, can’t afford it. Not going away implies you can’t afford it, which in turn makes you not welcome in certain Shidduch circles. The rabbonim have been very lax in their condemnation of this (so many of them get free rides for Pesach). In certain communities, there are already 2 generations of women who have never made their own Pesach and are totally incapable of preparing a Seder for their family. Hashem Yirachem.

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