Setting The Record Straight: More Leaders Deny Endorsing Joe Lazar

So after getting burned by council candidate and retired civil servant Joe Lazar for publishing a press release from him where he claimed the support of Senator Kevin Parker, only to have Senator Parker upset at YWN for publishing this false endorsement, we at YWN decided to call everyone pictured in a photo with Joe Lazar which was attached to his original endorsement press release.

The results are shocking.

Of the eleven people other than Joe Lazar pictured in the photo only four would confirm that they are actually endorsing Joe Lazar. Three where insistent that this was no endorsement and they were simply asked to take a photo and were shocked when it was attached to a press release implying their endorsement. Two refused to comment and two more were unavailable to confirm or deny. The bottom line: of the eleven people in the photo only four actually confirmed the endorsement. So as not to embarrass community leaders who thought they were at a meeting to benefit the mosdos, we will not list the names of those who told us they were not endorsing Mr. Lazar. Rather we will leave it on Mr. Lazar’s campaign to send us an updated release on the actual endorsements that he received, not just the imaginary ones. Finally, you can rest assured knowing that we at YWN will continue to fact-check all of the stories from all sides of the campaign to ensure that, as always, YWN is the most reliable source of news.

[Click on image to ENLARGE] We apologize to Senator Parker and the community leaders who were used as political pawns and assure them that this will never happen again.


(YWN Exclusive – Chaim Gross)

19 Responses

  1. This is an absolute outrage ! The fact the the Hikind / Lazar campaign keep lying about their endorsements really calls into question the integrity of their entire campaign.

    Do ALL the Mosdos support Joe Lazar ?

    Is David Greenfield REALLY bad for the community ?

    I don’t think so. I think that the Emperor really has no clothes and Dov Hikind has no power.

    I choose Honesty and his name is David Greenfield.

  2. Go into Shomer Shabas, Bobov, Satmar or Belz and ask anyone if this surprises them. They’ll laugh at you. This is the way Dov has been operating for years. Manipulating and strong armimg mosdos.

    Greenfiled and Caller finally have the fortitude and strength to take on the corrupt Hikind machine. A politician has to be someone who is here to serve us people not his own interests or the machine’s, or Dov Hikind’s.

    How come Lazar refuses to debate Greenfield. Let Lazar take the challenge and partake in a live debate on the issues in a assembly hall in Boro Park or Flatbush and let the people decide for themselves.

    But the person whos is behind this is Hikind.


    Hikind claims that Joe Lazar has brought MILLIONS into the community “mosdos” over the past years. Why can’t the yeshivos make payroll?

    SHOW US THE MONEY, in whose pocket did it go?

    Does Hikind mean Ohel? Speak to Asher Lipner about Ohel. He used to work at Ohel.

    Read Hamodia Magazine regarding record Poverty in Boro Park!

    Ask Tomchei Shabas regarding record Poverty in Boro Park.

    Ask Masbia regarding record Poverty in Boro Park!

    We still have the KIDs @ Risk despite the millions that Dov claims to have received from Albany. In whose pocket did the money go?

    Ask Asher Lipner, why he no longer appears on the Dov Hikind Show and no longer works for OHEL.

    Dov, your gig is up. Time for change with proven results. DAVID CAN SHOW US THE MONEY, DOV CAN YOU?

    By the way, Dov who pays for all those trips to Israel??


  3. I hope you understand that you don’t do any good now to the greenfield campign.

    lets analyze the situation here. Dov Hikind is a very strong and manipulative leader, he will do and use everything and anything, clean or dirty, to get what he wants, and everybody is afraid of him, and nobody wants to be on his enemies list.

    In this race Hikind is all out to box out greenfield and get himself (through lazar) into office. Hikind is using every mean and weapon to get everybody endorsing Lazar, the mosdos so far didn’t decide what to do on one hand they can’t abandon a freind DAVID who worked tirelessly on theier behalf the last couple of years, on the other hand they are afraid of Hikind, so they agreed for a photo up with Lazar to please Hikind, but didn’t decide yet what to do.

    therefore with this post, Hikind will get wild, and terrorize and threaten the mosdos that a photo up is not enough, and they have to actually endorse Lazar. The Mosdos won’t have any choice adn they would endorse him.

    Thats why I think you didn’t do any good for Greenfield.

    Thats for YWN.

    As for us individual voters, we have to stop this hikind terror immediately, tell your neighbors and freinds what is at stake here let them know the TRUTH behind the endorsments. and encourage them to get out and vote for the mosdos and their REAL benefit and vote for DAVID Greenfield.

  4. I can’t believe this. I used to think Hikind was a Mentsch who served for the good of the people. I know better now.

  5. lets get the record straight! ywn sorry to say this but it is looking more and more lie this site is a bias site and only tryig to push a certain candetate, i dont blame you, David is great and contributes to ywn, but funny would be if Lazar wins andywn somehow gets shut down? peice of advice for ywn stay neutral just like every other site.. (will be shgocked if this comment goes up and ywn doesnt delete it) o and by the way i am a big david supporter

    Moderators Note: Why shouldn’t we approve this comment? We were glad to, along with your horrendous spelling mistakes. Please. Use a spell check next time. 🙂

  6. Hi YWN,

    I see that in the Koch article there is a list of many politicians endorsing Mr. Greenfield. Did YWN call each one to verify it? Is it standard procedure for a news outlet to do fact checking to benefit one candidate and not do the other? Can you list which people in the Lazar picture said they weren’t endorsed by Lazar? A responsible news outlet would not just report it that way without saying the names.

  7. I think that every anti-Joe Lazar story on YWN should carry a notice on top that David Greenfield is a columnist for YWN.

    That having been said, how do you explain Mr. Greenfield’s featuring a photo claiming the endorsement of the politicians there — which include Simcha Felder who very clearly IS NOT endorsing him this time (actually, that photo of “Team Greenfirled” has David without a beard, and is from a previous campaign.

  8. Hikind didn’t learn a lesson from the last election in the 39th district. He became a laughingstock all over the place. In a place that he is supposed to be the power-broker, his candidate only garnered 14% of the vote. I believe that that election was a referendum on Hikind, and he failed majorly.

    Is Greenfield that much of a threat that it pays for him to put his career on the line forever? If Greenfield wins this election, Hikind is history. Even those politicians that still believe that the Boro Park vote lies in Dov’s hand will learn fast that he has absolutely no say whatsoever.

    I spoke to many people that live in Boro Park that told me, regardless of who supports Lazar, Mosdos, Organizations or Rabbanim, their vote is going to Greenfield because of Hikind’s behavior. They said that Lazar’s endorsements are done under coercion.


    Brad Lander, who with the vociferous support of Assemblyman Dov Hikind campaigned to represent the 39th Councilmanic district in Brooklyn, received enough votes to claim political victory.

    But the real winners were the predominantly Orthodox Jewish community of Boro Park and, we suggest, all of us who share that community’s concerns and worldview, wherever we may reside.

    In the run-up to the election, through editorials and letters from vigilant readers, The Jewish Press publicized Lander’s past statements attacking Israeli policies and questioning the very idea of Jewish nationalism, as well as the derisive manner in which he expressed his thoughts on Jewish religious practices such as circumcision.

    We expressed the view that our community could not afford to send a signal that such views are acceptable in the name of this or that political accommodation.

    Assemblyman Hikind and others maintained that Lander could nevertheless be relied upon to meet the needs of the Orthodox Jewish community concentrated in the district’s Boro Park neighborhood.

    Happily, the numbers show that Boro Park’s Jews opted for principle rather than political expediency. Lander got 41 percent of the district’s overall vote – not a compelling mandate by any measure. But in Boro Park, the Lander vote was a mere 13 percent. The candidate endorsed by The Jewish Press, John Heyer – a man who espoused our community’s values – won a whopping 74 percent of the Boro Park vote.

    Hopefully, Assemblyman Hikind will be rewarded by Mr. Lander for his support, and that reward will be to the benefit of our community. But if the calls and letters received by The Jewish Press are an accurate indication, the assemblyman has some serious fence-mending to do with his constituents.


    Brad Lander, who with the vociferous support of Assemblyman Dov Hikind campaigned to represent the 39th Councilmanic district in Brooklyn, received enough votes to claim political victory.

    But the real winners were the predominantly Orthodox Jewish community of Boro Park and, we suggest, all of us who share that community’s concerns and worldview, wherever we may reside.

    In the run-up to the primary, through editorials and letters from vigilant readers, The Jewish Press publicized Lander’s past statements attacking Israeli policies and questioning the very idea of Jewish nationalism, as well as the derisive manner in which he expressed his thoughts on Jewish religious practices such as circumcision.

    We expressed the view that our community could not afford to send a signal that such views are acceptable in the name of this or that political accommodation.

    Assemblyman Hikind and others maintained that Lander could nevertheless be relied upon to meet the needs of the Orthodox Jewish community concentrated in the district’s Boro Park neighborhood.

    Happily, the numbers show that Boro Park’s Jews opted for principle rather than political expediency. Lander got 41 percent of the district’s overall vote – not a compelling mandate by any measure. But in Boro Park, the Lander vote was a mere 13 percent. The candidate endorsed by The Jewish Press, John Heyer – a man who espoused our community’s values – won a whopping 74 percent of the Boro Park vote.

    Hopefully, Assemblyman Hikind will be rewarded by Mr. Lander for his support, and that reward will be to the benefit of our community. But if the calls and letters received by The Jewish Press are an accurate indication, the assemblyman has some serious fence-mending to do with his constituents.

  11. Forgive me, but these honorable gentlemen must have thoroughly understood that they were posing in a picture with an announced candidate for office. What exactly did they think they were doing meeting with the candidate and posing with the candidate in the center of the picture. If the gentlemen that are now demurring have any sense they should have declined posing in the picture. The picture itself is an implicit endorsement. Their participation and presence in the picture is undeniable. Apparently, their understanding of political dynamics is embarrassingly wanting. Heaven help us if this is how the representatives of our Mosdos act. Literally, shame on them.

  12. To # 13 “insider”

    They were obviously strong armed by Dov to attend. But now that the momentum is with Greenfield, they are trying to backpedal.

  13. Hey insider,
    Just because they met with him or are in a picture doesn’t mean an endorsement! Besides, they had to be there for Hikind. Its called playing the PR game.

  14. I know what David Greenfield did for our schools first hand. I also know what Dov Hikind did to an innocent person a year ago, by single-handedly convicting him of a lie without facts. Just as Brown was a referendum to Obama, let David Greenfield or Caller be a referendum to Hikind. This is Chicago stile politics.

  15. For the record, I think YWN is is the real loser in this case. Admittedly, YWN said the original piece was a “press release”. Still, as any half-baked journalist will tell you, “Journalism 101” is to check the facts before reporting!! Yet you claim “YWN is the most reliable source of news.”
    Frankly, it is not. Your glaring error in journalistic integrity proves otherwise.

    (For the record, I am a former Brooklynite living in NJ. If I was living in Bklyn, I would probably vote for Greenfield. My point is against YWN, not either candidate.)

  16. i see all the dov comments! dov DOV dov Dov! gevald!! this is just Anti dov! get a life people all day kvetching about Dov, sorry to say but greenfield is the person to be worried about.

  17. Guys don’t forget thenext time Dov runs, to convince him to run to Israel. As far as this election is concerned, vote what you think is right, but first find out from the mosdos who has been fighting for them in Albany!!!!!!!!!!!!
    No one heard Joe Lazar’s name until Simcha thoiught he couldn’t run again. David has been fightinG for the community and mosdos as a regular citizen!

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