It’s Official: Hillary for the White House

Hillary Clinton, the first major political figure to introduce the concept of a Palestinian State, has declared her intentions to run for President of The united States.

30 Responses

  1. Moshe Ber Beck’s dream is coming true. All those Jews for Mohammed and their like are going to campaign heavily for her.

    Early polls indicate 10 out of 10 terrorists will support her as well.

  2. All this from a hunt that was supposed to fulfill her term in the senate… LIE #1!!!

    So she wants to change things in Iraq?? Mrs. Clinton, we have been waiting to hear the Democratic Party plan, ANY DEMOCRATIC PARTY PLAN, for a year and so far all you people do is scream and yell but you say nothing sustantial.

    Something tells me this will be no different.

  3. r”l i think they should make an asifa or some sort of tehillim thing for HITLERY (feh) yemoch shemah not to win!!
    uch un vay is to israel and the jews and to morality of the united sates if we have another 4 yrs let alone 8 more yrs of these reshoim in the white house!!!

  4. In fact her antisemisim goes back along way, since her husband was Goversnor in Arkansas.
    Dont forget, irreligious Jews normally vote Democrat and so do most minorities. We just had a two term Republican Preside and she has plenty of time to ‘chanfeh’ the rest of the Frum community besides from Skver. I think she has a good chance!
    Destro 613;
    ‘I RATHER DUKE THAN HER’???????……..come on……

  5. we need every tefilla against this machshayfu, start davening against her already now, there cant be a bigger nebach than the Jew who votes for this unowatt

  6. A23:
    As much as you dems have a hard time with this fact, there has NEVER been a president more friendly to the Frum community than President Bush and although I do not love all his policies, especially his liberal spending and immigration policies, I STRONGLY support his war on terror which includes the war against Saddam Hussein Yemach Shemo and know in the depths of my heart that the WMD’s did in fact exist but were well hidden, probably in Syria. (How’s THAT for a run-on sentence?!?)
    Inasmuch as President Clinton was the first Black President, President G.W. Bush is the first Jewish President. A Hillary win would bring us the first Arab President.

  7. Pro Not Anti
    I like the comparisons you made in the last two lines of your comment.
    Lets not forget though there was lots of worry when GW was elected because people thought he might follow in the footsteps of his father. Well we were pleasantly surprised!
    I am not a’Hilary’ fan, although I thinkshe has a lot of stamina as a personality trait…but who knows ? If she does become President (and I hope not) she MIGHT even surprise us!

  8. Us Yidden have an obligation to be mekadesh Shem HaShem. We must show the world that as HaShem’s people, we abhor immorality, which this couple brought into the White House! Someone wrote at the time – “Would you trust this man? I wouldn’t leave my baby daughter alone with him!!” One Godol commented then how the King of Sodom is aghast at this pervert/pres. They’re the ones who brought America to an devastating low on anything regarding morality. Lying, immorality, corruption, depravity, dishonesty etc. That’s all they stand for. Do we need that again??

    Let her even befriend the Israelis/Jews. Let her even (promise to) change other policies regarding Yidden. We do not sell ourselves so easily. We have HaShem’s kovod to stand up to!

  9. She may be evil personofied but she is firat and foremost a politician… She will say and do anything to be elected. It would not surprise me to see her speaking in heimasha locals. All she has to do is promise more money and funding and doors will open up… We must tell our representatives that we will not tolerate them supporting her. If they support her they will lose our vote.

  10. It makes absolutely no difference who the next US pres will be. Lev Melochim Visorim Byad Hashem. Israel has decided that there will be an a 22nd Arab State in Yesha, Yerushalayim will be divided, the Har Habayis officialy in Arab hands, and most of Eretz Yisroel will be within Kassam range of out mortal enemies, R”L. Nothing the Arabs do will stop this insane process, and no American president, no matter how much they love Jews will stand in the way of the suicidal policies of the Israeli government. Ein Lonu Al Mi Leheshoein Elah Al Oveinu Shabashomayim.

    Hellooooooo……..Welcome to the WORLD OF POLITICS!!!!!
    I can assure you that anybody who gets the keys to the White House will be involved a number of those things whether Dem or Republican. Lets not forget the worst schemer Richard Nixon, a ‘die hard’ Republican and the scandal that forced him to resign. GW even admitted to his alcoholic addictions and his father before him promised to cut taxes and did just the opposite.
    ‘Syato dishmayo’is our only hope!
    First of all , most American Jews (frum or non frum) will prioritize with the candidate
    who has a better potential for the US not Israel. And I do agree that at this stage the US President has no influence on the Israeli government anymore. They run the show , unfortunatley unintimidated by any pressure!

  12. Actually the first President ever in history to mention an independent palestinian state and repeatedly mention it is the supposed “best firend” of israel, George W. Bush.

    Senator Clinton has been a great friend of Israel and the jewish community.

    Certainly a better choice than a notorious adulterer like Rudy Giuliani.

    Moderators response: Actually Bill Clinton made US policy to support a Palestinian state… you need to get a grip.

  13. Rudy Juliani was (is) THE BEST FRIEND JEWS EVER HAD!! and YES he had ties to the mafia and YES he was an adulterer and on THAT subject lets not talk about the CLINTONS .
    The way Juliani crackeded down on crime in New York, is to be admired and valued!

  14. actually i didn’t, (i guess great mind think alike) but the point is not who said it first, the point is that she IS a vicious enemy of the Jews and Israel, and God help us all if she should win, chas v’shalom.

  15. “vicious enemy of the Jews and Israel, and God help us all if she should win, chas v’shalom.”


    She has proven herself to be a great friend, she has accomplish and succeeded far more for israel and the jewish community than geroge bush dick cheney and condi rice combined.

    How can giuliani be admired ? He “did things” and broke up his family, and a slew of othe rdisgusting things (too bad to post on this website).

    Nevermind the fact that he was nominated twice by the liberal party because he is pro abortion, pro gay marriage and pro gun control, very much things that many in the frum community dont agree with. But yet people seem to love rudy cuz he kissed up to flatbush so much.

    (Edited by Moderation Team)

  16. Hey, if someone wrote that Clinton did those same disgusting things, would also censor it? Just curious.
    BTW, everything that I wrote, is true, all facts, you can look them up for yourself.

  17. Yes, Bush was the first president to advocate a 2 state solution. That’s because he is the only president in office after Sharon, PM at the time, advocated it. When Bush said it, he was doing what (in his mind, at least) the Jews want.
    Don’t forget Hillary’s smooch of Suha Arafat, after the late, unlamented Yasser’s rebetzin spoke about Israelis poisoning the wells to kill palestinian children. And Hillary’s advocacy of a 2 state solution, long before any of the above mentioned people.
    One more fact, also well documented. Dear old Yasser, was the #1 most visiting international guest in the White House during the Clinton administration. Bush treated Arafat as though he didn’t exist when he was holed up in his compund in 2001-2002. And people can say that she (and her family) are better friensd of Israel than Bush and his team?

  18. To Isser:
    Yes, Lev Melochim B’yad H-Shem. (That applies to the Melech in Israel as well, BTW.) But Gedolei Yisrael throughout the ages have always advocated shtadlanus. And a bit of campaigning as well.
    Rav Avigdor Miller, Z”L once said, “To vote for a liberal Democrat is Yehareg V’al Yaavor.” It is true that he said it at a time when ERA was on the table, (Reagan vs Carter, 1980) which he held was ‘abizrayhu d’arayos’, hence the yehareg v’al yaavor. But the general philosophy of choosing the candidates who mirror our shitos, and not sitting it out, and saying don’t worry, lev melochim byad H-SHEM, has always been the position of Da’As Torah

  19. “sharon wanted it” is an excuse?

    History lesson: The oslo accord was dropped in clintons lap by rabin and peres!

    was he not doing what they wanted? Please. he never once uttered the words “palestinian state” unlike oil man bush.

    Speaknig of frequent visits, have you bee able to keep count of how many times Condoleeza rice has met with holocaust denier mahmoud abbas?

  20. Hilary sat by her man while he trashed the white house! If this happened in Corporate America……..he would have been fired and disgraced. Bill has no shame and felt no disgrace – he did it before and will do it again if given the chance – and Hil will stick with him b/c if she leaves, her secrets (what ever they are) will come out.

    She knows if she leaves him her political dreams would crash. She is cold and calculating – no different than any other Politician. I am GLAD hilary is running…. Obama, and edwards and the others inside the beltway will start ripping into her (the way gore ripped into dukakis). She will pull no punches either – this will give the conservative republicans fuel for the 08 election (remember it wasn’t daddy bush who brought willie horton into the race against- it may be an uncomfortable truth – but it was gore who did so).

    forgive the spelling (it’s late) 🙂

    (Edited by Moderation Team)

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