Jewish Cemetery In Strasbourg Defiled With Swastikas

Strasbourg, France – Vandals have defiled a Jewish cemetery in the city of Strasbourg with swastikas and anti-Semitic slogans, the daily Dernieres Nouvelles d’Alsace reported.

The swastikas were smeared on about 20 tombstones, while the German phrase Juden Raus (Jews, get out) was scrawled elsewhere in the cemetery. Other tombstones were overturned.

The Representative Council of Jewish Organizations in France (CRIF), which reported the incident, told France Info radio that the vandalism appeared related to the ceremonies being held Wednesday in Europe to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz extermination camp at the end of World War II.

(Source: Earth Times)

5 Responses

  1. This is a reminder that we are still in guloos and we shouldnt get to comfortable. We should be zocheh to the coming of moshiach in the liftime of all our loved ones. Amen

  2. In the last five years or so, MANY French Jews are taking the hint.
    How many of us, here in the goldena medina
    are doing likewise…

    (And yeah, yeah, I’ve heard all the taiynas… “if it gets bad here, you think you’ll be any safer in Eretz Yisrael?” — YES, I do. It was safer there even during the Holocaust, and it will be safer now too.)

    We can continue to make excuses…
    – I don’t speak the language.
    – I don’t have any family there.
    – I’m afraid of the security situation there.
    – How will I make a living there?
    – I’m too old to make a change.
    etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.
    OR, – We can wake up and “smell the coffee” while we still can!!!

  3. And ONE more “excuse” to deal with…

    “But look at Israel, – the cops are animals,
    the government is run by Hebrew speaking goyim, there so much hatred toward the frum…”

    Yeah, yeah, and yeah, –
    BUT, its still YOUR country, and YOUR going there can help turn the tide. The more frum Yidden that make aliyah, the more and the faster things will change for the better! Why do you think the anti-frum there are so angry – precisely because they see the tide turning and are scared to death of living in a frum Eretz Yisrael!
    They see that…
    -Most olim are frum.
    -Most yordim are secular.
    -The frum population growth is THREE times that of the secular.
    -The huge successes of the baal teshuva movement.

    Let’s save our families, our kids, and our grandkids. HaSh-m is sending us messages. Let’s not ignore them!!!

  4. But the anti frum seculars are changing the demographics by bringing in non Jews from other countries.
    The more Frum Jews come or are born the more non Jews they bring in to “balence it out”.
    So how can we win, just by moving there?

  5. #4 The tide of non-Jews IS being stopped. Even most seculars are realizing the multitude of problems these foreigners cause.
    The answer to the problem is in your own question…
    “So how can we win? Just by moving there!!!”

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