PHOTOS: 3,000 Chabad Students Mark 60 Years of Rebbe’s Leadership

[PHOTO LINK BELOW] Close to 3,000 senior students and rabbis from more than 30 rabbinical colleges around the world are wrapping up a conference Monday on the teachings of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, and their impact on Jewish philosophy, spirituality and practice.

Culminating in a grand lecture and dinner in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, N.Y., the conference marks 60 years of the Rebbe’s leadership since the 1950 passing of his father-in-law and predecessor, the Sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, of righteous memory.

While the rabbinical students, who hail from places as far as Australia and South Africa, spent their energies in study and visited both Rebbe’s resting places in Cambria Heights, N.Y., Jewish communities across the globe engaged in intensive Torah study in honor of the day. Chasidic gatherings in locations from London to Jerusalem to Los Angeles for men, women and children were also a fixture of events worldwide.

In New York, Rabbi Yehuda Shmotkin said that this year’s students’ conference included, for the first time ever, events and discussions throughout the weekend preceding the anniversary, which began Sunday night.

“A special emphasis has been put on widening the scope of our programs,” said Shmotkin.

New additions to the schedule included tours of the priceless collections of Jewish books at the library of Agudas Chasidei Chabad – the umbrella group of Chabad-Lubavitch – and the apartment where the Sixth Rebbe lived after arriving in the United States in 1940.

Organized by the Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim, the conference was sponsored by Mr. Yosef Y. Kazarnovsky in honor of his father Rabbi Moshe Kazarnovksy.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click on the following link for 100+ photos:


18 Responses

  1. The Rebbe was niftar in 1994. His leadership ended then, the same way the leadership of the previous Rebbes ended upon their passings. To suggest that this marks 60 years of leadership for man who passed away 15 years ago seems a bit counterintuitive to me.

  2. The Rebbe, ZtZ”L, took over in 1950 and was niftar in 1994. If I did the math right, his leadership lasted for 44 years, not 60.

    He is no longer leading Chabad.

    It is not clear who, if anyone, is.

  3. The fact that the Chabad movement continues to grow everyday with new Chabad houses throughtout the world, is proof that the Rebbe is still leading today.

  4. The Rebbe is the last of the Chabad Rebbes. So yes he is still in leadership even if he passed away. His teachings and guidance from before 3 Tammuz still influence Chabad and lead them in their great work of today and tomorrow.

  5. This was a very inspiring event. Yasher Koach to those that helped to make it happen. The Rebbe’s visionary leadership should be a souce of insperation to all of Klal Yisroel. Every year new Shluchim go out to all parts of the world to make sure no Jew is left abandend. This continues each year and more Yidden are given the oppertunity to learn more about Yiddishkeit and do more mitzvos as a result. Thank you to Yeshiva World for reporting on this amazing event.

  6. As per #1 and #2.

    This is just ridiculous.

    Next, maybe we should celebrate that Bill Clinton has been President of the US for 17 years now. And George W. Bush has been President of the US for 9 years now.

  7. Has everybody gone nuts? Even if they are continuing his legacy, he is NOT still leading Chabad, because he died 16 years ago… In the same way, the “Frierdige Rebbe” is also still leading…how many years is that?
    By celebrating the Rebbe’s so-called leadership, they are perpetuating this infantile and dangerous idea of the Rebbe’s immortality.
    If fringe members of Chabad take it a step further,and eat on Taaniyot- it’s Chabad’s own fault!

  8. yea, and I am going to celebrate George Washington the 222 years that George Washington has lead america since he was elected president in 1789.

    or Maybe next Pesach I will celebrate the 3,322 years Moshe Rabbeinu has lead the Yidden. Last I checked he died in the year 2488…over 3,000 years ago.

    how many Ashkenazim are celebrating the leadership of R’ Moshe Feinstein, who died in 1986, or Sefardim are celebrating the leadership of the Baba Sali, who was niftar in 1984.

    This story is actually very tragic in my mind. the Lubavicher Rebbe was a great man, but this turning him into a deity is reeks of Kfira and dare I say Christianity.

  9. I give credit for good things just as I give credit to many Christians for their good actions. I wouldn’t be proud of a ‘leadership’ that in essense changed the very basis of our religion.

  10. You guys just dont understand what a Rebbe is…
    You are just very ignorant in the subject. that’s all. read the holy books and you’ll find out.

  11. We don’t understand what a “Rebbe” is, nor do the millions of chassidim for the past few hundred years, who accepted their Rebbes’ death as such, and did not get carried away with ridiculous and dangerous ideas. All the “deep” explanations, supposedly based on “chassidus” are silly childish figments of imagination, from some distraught chassidim unable to face dissapointment.

  12. As a Chabadnik, my personal take on this is: The rebbe is niftar. But his legacy lives on. He was a wonderful human being and probably Moshiah-ha-dor. Now those who celebrate 60 years of his leadership are dangerously close to those who literally see his presence in 770 on daily basis (and by literally I mean talking, bowing to the air and creating two lines of people to walk through), while waving yellow flags with blue crown drawing and yelling “Yechi”. I am not a Rabbi, but to me what is happening is dangerously close to Yitzer Hora (if not already is).

  13. sageres [15],
    Why do you stress “and probably Moshiah-ha-dor”? 1. Who are we to know who is the Masiach Hador? 2. The Baal Shem Tov himself was NOT the Mashiach Hador, as he said to have met him in a forest, so how do you know enough (and all your ‘Rabbonim’) to say the Rebbe was it? 3. Why is it an issue to decise who is it? have we heard in previouse generations such talks???

    Now I know that the Rebbe himself basically said he is Mashiach Hador, by saying that all Lubavicher Rebbes were the Masiach Hador of their time. His leadership led his followers to an undesired state…

  14. I am suprised that such a positive event elicited such a negative response from some on here. Some of the comments lack Kavod HaTorah and it is sad that some start name calling and comparing a group that continues to be Moser Nefesh for Torah all over the world With another religion. This comparision is indeed very false and does not promote achdus amongst Yidden. So many have become Frum through Chabad including many important leaders in the Litvishe community. Give credit where credit is due.

  15. Why is it that chabad need to continuelly need to say and try to prove [which the notorious fail] that they are number 1. If you want to say he was a great leader; fine, if you want to say he do so much for Yiddishkeit and baal tshuvas; also fine
    but we have other fine outstanding Jews Like Rav Aharon Kotler, Satmar Rebbe and the Klausenberg Rebbe that save Judaism in AMerica. Look at their Chassidim and especially Satmar which has such a great number today nobody is arguing about their rebbe was the Mosiach Hador. It is nonsense talk
    Remember an empty drum with a marble will make a lot of noise. Go learn, go do chesed and help other Jews instead of talking in this nonsense.
    Their is no agreedment and ends only in nonsense

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