Parshat Ha’Man – Today’s The Time

It is an especially propitious time on Tuesday of this week to say Parshat Ha’Man, a well known segulah for parnasa. According to Reb Mendel M’Riminov Zecuso Yagein Aleinu, the optimal formula is to repeat the words of the Torah twice and the Targum Onkelos once (shnayim mikra v’echad targum).

Click HERE for the complete text of Parshas Hamon.

13 Responses

  1. the best SEGULA for PARNASSA is a good education,
    and a willingnes to work hard,anybody telling you different is a liar and a con artist.
    using all kinds of HOKUS POKUS instead of all out HISHTADLUS,is idiotic and against TORAH and common sense

  2. Would anyone please cite a source for this bizarre Segulah? According to my findings, Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Rimanov said that is should be said every day. However, if you do find a source I would appreciate it.

  3. Dont forget the ikar to remember that everything comes from Hashem no differenr than in the midbar
    Here is a promose that predates Rebbe Mendele ZY”A
    See Mishna Berurs 185 1 where he quotes the Chinuch a Rishon כל הזהיר בבהמ”ז מזונותיןו מציות לו כל ימיו בכבוד

  4. From Parshas HaMan To Az Ashir
    Why is today so special? Because well meaning Jews all over the world will be saying Parshas HaMan twice with Targum Unkelus once, to merit the segula of Parnassa revealed to us by Rav Menachem Mendel of Rimanov. Does it work? Of course it does if this great tzaddik said so. However it is not so simple. What would you say if you saw someone putting on the sneakers of a world champion sprinter and claiming that he now can run faster than anyone in the whole world?

    First of all for all those who knock Chassidim, you really shouldn’t bother with this since it is a Chassidishe minhag. Or perhaps to have a chance to rake in a couple of bucks you are ready to don a shtreimel? More importantly whether you are Chasidishe, Litvish, or Sfardi, you need to do this right. Let’s start by reminding you that it is not enough to say the parsha once, but you must say it twice and you must also say Targum Unkelus.

    I am not sure that this is sufficient though. I would assume that the way this segula is structured it is predicated on the fact that you are always Maavir Sedra and you are up to Parshas HaMan, on time for this big day. Before you rush out to get a chumash (as opposed to just reading the parsha itself on one of the many websites that are considerate enough to post Parshas HaMan for emergency situations) remember you need to start from the beginning of the parsha if you haven’t started Bishalach just yet. After all Maavir Sedra means the whole parsha and not just the lucrative parts that are segulos. Actually you better get a Chamisha Chumshei Torah since you must say every sedra from the beginning of Bireishis.

    Here is another thing you should be careful about. Unkelus is just not that easy to read. It would be a shame to have our riches denied just because we made a couple of reading mistakes on the really hard words. Make sure to read it nice and slowly and carefully just to be on the safe side. Also make sure you get a Chumash that has Rashi since many poskim suggest that the reason we say Unkelus is to explain what the Torah says and nowadays our Aramaic is not that great (unless of course we learn Zohar online).

    Here is another issue to consider. How much money do we get exactly for this exercise? Shouldn’t we know that before we invest our precious time? Maybe instead we should run out to buy the lotto? Rav Mattisyahu Solomon tells about the time he walked into a Bais Medrash in Boro Park on Parshas HaMan day and saw a man sitting and saying Parshas HaMan with great kavana. Another man walked in and saw this as well, and he turned to the fellow and said, “Why are you wasting your time? I said it for fifty years already and it doesn’t help.” At this point Rav Mattisyahu walks up to the fellow and says, “Tell me, how have you been living for the past fifty years?” Our food, our clothing, our money is all a bracha of Man from the Shamayim. Parshas HaMan does not promise anything more. It says nothing about new cars and expensive vacations.

    If you want good advice listen to the gemara (Brachos 8a) and be maavir sedra the right way every week. It may not make you rich but it will surely enrich your life. And not too worry, the gemara promises a goodie for that as well, long life. So if you were maavir sedra yesterday and learned the Parsha of Az Yashir, you probably aren’t too concerned about today and are already singing Az Ashir, a thanks to Hashem for a truly rich life.

  5. If you look into the Siddur Of the Yavetz ZT”L, he writes that shnayim mikra v’echad targum should be said daily.

    #3. Instead of talking like a fool and Apikoras, find a Rebbi and let him teach you Shaar HaBitochon in the Chovos Halvovos.

    #4. What makes this Segulah “Bizarre?”

  6. Super Tuesday Is Here Again, Don’t Miss!
    The big day we wait around for all year has finally arrived, Bigger than Rosh HaShana, stronger than Yom Kippur, mightier than HoShana Rabba… it’s Super Tuesday!! This is especially important in times of recession like today. Reb Mendele M’Riminov said that saying Parshas HaMan (Shnayim Mikra V’Echod Targum) on Tuesday Parshas Bishalach, is a Segula for Parnassa. Emails are flying from concerned friend to friend reminding them not to miss the big opportunity with links to places where they can find all that they need online. Actually the Shulchan Aruch says in the first Siman of Orach Chaim that you should say it every day (along Parshas Akeida, Aseres HaDibros, Olah, Mincha, Chatos, Shlamim, Asham, Kiyor, Trumas HaDeshen, Tamid and of course Tikun Chatzos). The Mishna Brura quotes the Yerushalmi that guarantees to anyone who says it every day that he will never lack sustenance.

    A new Rav after attending the first board meeting of his less than fervently religious new Shul commented that he thinks they should add the Aseres HaDibros to the Shul’s by-laws, this way everyone would strictly adhere to them. The same can probably be said about our keen interest and adherence to Segulos. Rav Shimshon Pincus among many others once said that the greatest segula for health is to say Asher Yatzar with kavana. Parnassa? Bareich Aleinu of course. You are standing before the Big Boss himself, when will you find a better time to ask for a raise to keep up with your growing families cost of living or a little bonus to cover the tuition or simcha expenses that you are being hounded for?

    Not to chas v’shalom belittle the segula of Parshas HaMan or Rav Mendele of Riminov, of course there is great power in saying Parshas HaMan if you read it carefully and don’t just say it at top speed while dreaming about what you will do with the winnings of the upcoming lottery jackpot.

    Lesson # 1 No snacks or extras – Hashem sends us everything we need. “Bein HaArbayim Tochlu Basar U’Baboker Tisbi’u Lechem” Bishalach (16:12). Two solid meals a day, meat in the evening and bread in the morning. There was no tea room and small snacks were not provided to keep us going in between. Food and money in general are not given to us to satisfy our constant earthly cravings. They are tools we need for Avodas Hashem, to be used as needed only. Neither the Yerushalmi or Rav Mendele are going to promise you all the things we’ve come to enjoy that we don’t need. As the end of the Pasuk says “ViDatem Ki Ani Hashem”. The budget is given to help you stay in good physical condition to enable you to know that there is Hashem. Two many extras and the brain gets a little foggy, which would defeat the whole purpose.

    Lesson # 2 The 100/0 Rule – “VaYamodu BaOmer V’Lo Hedif HaMarbeh V’HaMamit Lo Hechsir” (12:18) How much money you get has absolutely nothing to do with your efforts or your intelligence. Not 50%, not 5%, and not even .01%. 100% Siyata Dishmaya.

    Lesson # 3 No savings plan – “Ish Al Yoser MiMenu Ad Boker” (12:19). In the 40 years in the midbar there was no bank collapse or stock market crash. No one had any money put away for a rainy day. By time everyone went to sleep in the midbar all the cupboards were empty and there wasn’t a crumb to be had. I am sure they all slept better than we do with our “savings” protected in the bank, stock market, real estate, or pension fund. We worry what we will eat tomorrow even though we have plenty. They didn’t although they had nothing. It would seem silly to say Parshas HaMan with the intention of adding to your coffers. Here again I am not sure the Yerushalmi or Rav Mendele can help you. Maybe a good solution for those of you who have too much cash floating around that you not ready to part with is to put it in a G’mach.

    If you go through the pasukim yourself with honest eyes and an open mind you will no doubt be inspired to discover countless other lessons regarding the proper attitude towards parnassa. It is important to also remember the first words of the parsha (16:4), “L’Ma’an Anasenu HaYeilech B’Soirasi Im Lo”, the test of earning a living is all about proving that you are a loyal Yid going in the way of Hashem’s Torah. Do you obtain it honestly. Do you earn money to keep the Torah, or is the art of earning money the torah you worship?

    Indeed these are lofty goals and far from where many of us are today. But surely, as the Yerushalmi or Rav Mendele say, it is worth saying Parshas HaMan, today on this revered day, and everyday. The repetition will certainly have an effect on us and it may start to seep in. The closer we get to this goal the richer we will indeed be. Your life will be enriched and it will be a life worth living. And as promised, Hashem will always give you all that you really need. You will feel great and look great, free of any worry. Remember Hashem calls us His “Am Segula” for a reason, and its not because we say Parshas HaMan on Super Tuesday with one eye on the chumash and the other eye on the stock market.

  7. To the previous comments putting down whoever doesn’t do this the right way: Who is to say that that if someone who sincerely tries to comply with this minhag / segulah but who may be a little behind in his weekly shnayim mikrah v’echod targum for example will not gain by reciting parshas HaMon today?

    Echod hamarbeh v’echod hamam’it, ubilvad sh’yechavein as libo…

    BTW, note the tefiloh at the end mentions “…b’heter v’lo b’issur…”; something that our community needs to daven for much harder, in order to avoid even the appearance of impropriety!

    May we all merit parnussah b’revach – especially in these tough economic times!

  8. In the original sefer Yalkut Menachem which has all the vertlach and toires of Hrav Mendel Miriminov Ztl.there is no mention about this segula. This segula was added in the new edition
    printed in 5764 (2004)

  9. 98% of the folks who will devote an hour of their day for this reading are already on government handouts, and have been so for three generations. I’d say there’s an alarming causal relationship here. It seems to be having the opposite effect.
    the best SEGULA for PARNASSA is a good education and hard is a POSUK, BZEIS APECHO TOCHAL LECHEM

  10. One more note!!
    When we want to invoke the Zchusim of the Rebbe Reb Mendele let us be mekabel to heed his other concerns “Tznius, Fashions and Malbishei Akum”

  11. Chaim S. here is the only one making sense.Menachem Mendel of Riminov died 195 years ago. For thousands of years before his time Jews made a parnassah without his hocus pocus. There is no reason to believe it does work, just because he said so.

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