Feds: Female Suicide Bombers On Way To US

American law enforcement officials have been told to be on the lookout for female suicide bombers who may attempt to enter the United States, law enforcement authorities tell ABC News.

One official said at least two of them are believed to be connected to al Qaeda in Yemen, and may have a non-Arab appearance and be traveling on Western passports.

The threat was described as “current” but not imminent, said the official.

“They have trained women,” said former White House counterterrorism official Richard Clarke, an ABC News consultant.

Separately, Britain raised its terrorism threat level to “severe,” its second-highest level, days before London hosts major international meetings on how to deal with militancy in Afghanistan and Yemen. Britain’s threat level had been labeled “severe” for several years before being lowered last summer to “substantial.”

American officials say a U.S. air strike on X-Mas Eve against suspected al Qaeda training camps is believed to have killed many, but not all, of a group of suicide bombers being trained in Yemen.

The man accused of attempting to explode a bomb on Northwest flight 253, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, told FBI agents there were a number of other people who trained with him in Yemen.

“There are others who are still out there who have been trained and who are clean skins — that means people who we do not have a record of, people who may not look like al Qaeda terrorists, who may not be Arabs, and may not be men,” said Clarke.

The alert comes during a week in which American law enforcement officials described an “unusually high” number of people on the no-fly list attempting to board flights to or in the United States.

Read more at ABC News 

4 Responses

  1. It is funny how the second Obamas government collapses all of a sudden there are terrorist threats! I wonder if there is a connection.

  2. Now they are waking up? PC reigns!
    Look at your neighborly “innocent” females, both Moslem-attired and others. How many “sleepers” have been planted here over the past 10 years? Look at the TSA ‘screeners’ hired from 7-11s or Dunkin’ Donuts or Walmart. They are not recruited, “vetted” or trained properly. When the gum-chewers finish with you, they go back to their vulgar gossip. They do not review their (useless) training manuals, such as they may be.
    Above all, Western countries will not adopt the human-oriented screening techniques of the Israelis, because those might prove too effective on our murderous brethren.
    And who really cares, as long as BHO remains in office without congressional or judicial restraint by courageous men and women, unafraid of intimidation attempts by the Chicago gang.

  3. I can’t tell you how scary it is to see those women in their niqabs and burqas. No one knows if they are a woman or not because they wear gloves and hide everything under 100 layers of bed sheets!

  4. In their warp mentality a woman does not have to cover her hair, face or arms since she is on a suicide mission; so forget about that.
    2nd before we glorify and idolfy Israel there were Israeli controlers in Amsterdam. Daven, Daven and again daven for the world. Read what Rav Steinman said after the tzunimi five years ago.

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