Yeshiva Students Make Kiddush Hashem On NYC Bus (From The YWN Coffee Room)

[Posted in the YWN Coffee Room:] Dear YWN,

I would like to take a moment and reflect on a kiddush hashem I saw this evening on a city bus on my way home from work.

There was a group of yeshiva bochurim approx 13-15 yrs old, that got on at a particular stop on the B9 bus route in Flatbush.

All the bochurim began making their way to the back of the bus. Except for one, who stopped in his tracks.

He suddenly turned around and began picking up pieces of newspaper from the floor !!

I thought to myself why on earth would a Yeshiva Bochur feel it necessary to clean up a city bus ?

And then I realized, the pieces of paper he picked up were from a “heimeshe” publication.
Apparently an earlier rider had finished reading it and left the paper behind only to get strewn around all over the bus.
So this bochur realized he has the opportunity to prevent a chillul hashem by removing the “heimeshe” paper from the floor. But little did he know, in the process he made a great display of kiddush hashem as many passengers who did not realize what paper it was, remarked “Oh look what that Jewish kid did, he’s helping keep the bus clean “.

Rabosai, there is a very important lesson to be learned here. We must remember that the “umos holam” are constantly watching us and how we act, and that you don’t need to have fanfare, lights, posters & events to create a kiddush hashem !

Even the smallest actions make a big impact. What can you do to help ?

Avi Gedaliah Gevoldig
Flatbush NY

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