Saudi Teen Sentenced to 90 Lashes for Cell Phone in School

A teenage girl in Saudi Arabia has been sentenced to 90 lashes and two months in prison for taking a cell phone to school, the U.K.’s Daily Mail reported Wednesday.

The 13-year-old’s punishment, harsher than that given to some robbers and looters, requires her to be flogged in front of her classmates, the Daily Mail quoted Saudi newspaper Al-Watan.

She was reportedly hiding a cell phone in class, breaking strict Saudi regulations banning their use in girls’ schools.

Saudi Arabia is the world’s leading country in the use of torture-by-flogging, and religious police keep a close watch over public behavior, the Mail reported.

In September, twenty Saudi teenagers who ransacked shops and restaurants were flogged in public.

 (Source: Fox News / Daily Mail UK)

22 Responses

  1. my friends take a look at china japan and singapore they have the same flogging system and you know what its safer to walk at two in the morning on dark quiet streets in china then walking at noon in manhatten trust me ive been there and you know why because if someone steals there hand gets cut off that makes people scared to do crime sounds good to me dont do crime you wont get punished
    i didnt say bringing a cell phone to school deserves that but the system is not crazy

  2. # 5 that is what they don’t need!!!! That is what they get and that is the main cause for why they are at risk!!!! What they need to see is that people are there for them no matter what. At this point in there lives their families need to show their unconditional love for them. After all that is what Hakodosh Baruch Hu does for us!!!

  3. Lets remember this the next time we read some poor yiddeshe woman who is attached by some gooons of the “tzinius squads” for the way she is dressed or harassed for not moving to the back of the bus. Extremism under any guise is digusting.

  4. Sticking to strict statistics since we’ve dropped corporal punishment we have both greater numbers of children and teens at risk and increased severity of their dangerous behaviors.

    Not that I support public flogging or private flogging for that matter, but a well thought out and properly timed potch could work wonders.

  5. It is rediculous to say that strict discipline is what “causes” kids to do crime and be juvenile delinquints.

    It is the extreme permissiveness and light punishments (or none at all) that causes it.

    Why is it that no other kid ever bothers the biggest bully?
    Because he will meet out extremly strict ‘punishment’ to anyone who dares start up with him and everyone knows it.

    Further those who are raised with such a light hand, wind up BEING bullies because they know they can get away with anything with very little or no consequences.

    I have personally witnessed all of this on far to many occasions to count.

  6. I went to a school were “paddling” was allowed but strictly regulated. The kids didn’t act up (too much). A single, regulated strike (with some peer pressure) can work wonders.
    However, there is a potential for abuse.
    For #13: to compare what a government or school system does to the action of bullies is exactly the reason that that we’ve gotten rid of corporal punishment: it is too easy to go from well intentioned punishment to abuse.
    IMO, somewhere between “never under any circumstances” and “caning” for chewing gum (remember that one?) or 90 lashes for a cell phone use is the right course.

  7. What will be interesting to see is whether the use of criminal sanctions affects the problem of unmarried kids texting each other. I tend to think that criminal sanctions won’t work very well, but it is nice to have someone else try it, and we can see how effective it is.

  8. I guess the Vaad LeInyonei Tikshoret should take an example from this one – THIS is how you handle such problems!

  9. How did this become a discussion of kids at risk? Honestly if you don’t know anything about the Parsha don’t darshan, just be grateful that your child is not going through this dark journey.

  10. To shlomo in comment #15, the system never got out of hand to being bullies.

    It was just that some people decided that their little princes and princesses never did anything wrong even with a room full of witnesses.

    Street gangs and motorcycle gangs are in total control in many areas because of such light or non existent punishments.

    And I do not know what caning there was for chewing gum but I remember the caning for an American in another country where he had defaced street signs like a typical thug and when faced with caning (and he knew there were strict punishments and thought he’d get away with it anyway) and so many in America were screaming how dare they.

    But guess what, there are no street gangs there to speak of and streets are clean and you can walk down them at night.

    “In between” as you say, would be American style of demand for solid proof of guilt, but once found guilty give them a serious punishment that will actually make them not want to do the crime in the future and deter others from doing it the first time.

  11. This is nothing. The Saudis are the most despicable, selfish, anti-semitic despots that Hashem ever created. They will kill women if they think the woman is acting inappropriate without any evidence that proves otherwise.

  12. Yes charvona in comment #21, the Saudis may be semites but if by that you want to imply that they cannot be called ANTI-Semites you would be wrong for two reasons.

    #1 ANTI-Semite means Jew hater even though many Jew haters are still semites, semite and ANTI semite are different words with different emanings even though the root word of both is the same.

    #2 Even a Jew can be an antisemite with Yitschok Rabin and Yitschok Shamir as excellent examples along with the entire Meretz party (the extreme leftists, in general).

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