VIDEO & PHOTOS: A Live Report on Day 3 of the Agudas Yisroel Yarchei Kallah in Yerushalayim

[VIDEO & PHOTO LINKS BELOW]  Yom Revi’i L’parshas Bo, the third day of Agudas Yisroel’s Yerushalayim Yarchei Kallah began with incredible energy. Some of the chaburah reviewed earlier shiurim, others prepared for the upcoming shiur of Harav Baruch Dov Povarsky, known to be particularly challenging in scope.

Harav Yitzchak Zilberstein, beaming with simchas HaTorah and palpable love for the lomdim (“meineh teiyreh brider”), came armed with a wealth of real-life dilemmas revolving around the sugya d’kallah- Perek Rav Eliezer D’Milah.

The shiur was at times almost as boisterous as the chavrusa sessions, the beis medrash thundering with questions as the Rav related how he handled such she’eilos as:

A Russian immigrant who was a chassan, uncircumcised, a hemophiliac, and the hospital had a long waiting list for the complicated bris mila procedure he required. Should the chasuna be delayed?…. A chassan is discovered (days after the chasunah) to suffer from epilepsy;…. a kallah’s Arab father suddenly appears during the sheva brachos — just to mention a few. The Rav resolved all these she’eilos quoting Shas, poskim, chidushim from the Steipler Gaon and p’sakim from his shver, Harav Elyashiv, shlita.

When the lomdim get home, ask them how Rav Zilberstein rescued a marriage at 3 AM in the stairwell of his building, where the chassan re-did kiddushin as the Rav and other key players in this awesome tale drank a L’chaim and sang od yishama, quietly, so as not to wake up the neighbors …

The oilam flew straight into high gear in preparation for Rav Boruch Dov Povarsky’s shiur. This was a beis medrash lechol davar. Moreover, it needed no mashgiach, as everyone was horaving vi es darf tzu zein. There was no chit-chat, no hanging around the modest spread of cake and coffee. The lomdim were areingeton in the sugya, as all the crowd shots testify.

Harav Povarsky delivered a comprehensive shiur on the sugya of nolad mahul, a subject that touches on related dinim such as a circumcised gentile who wants to convert,a yotzei dofen, a Jew whose bris was done at night, or before the eight day. What are the ramifications for conversion, korban Pesach and more?

Modestly, cheerfully sharing his awesome bekiyus in Shas Bavli and Yerushalmi, Rishonim and Poskim, Harav Povarsky laid out the subject like a shulchan aruch, adeptly fielding questions from every angle and adding his own chiddushim as well.

The women participants set out first thing in the morning for an ambitious tour of the Galil (Teveria, Meron), with tour guide Reb Yaakov Tourenheim, who made the landscape’s rich history come alive with stories spanning the period of the Avos to the rebuilding of the yishuv in Eretz Yisrael. The tour included visits to kivrei tzaddikim and an exciting cruise on the Yam Hakineret.

The afternoon seder began with the lomdim in heated preparations for a halacha shiur by Harav Yaakov Avrohom Cohen, Chaver Beis Din of Harav Nissim Karelitz and Rav of Ramat Hatzafon, Yerushalayim on the inyan of metziza b’mila. Harav Cohen opened up this fascinating nossei, taking the lomdim through the historical developments and how the Gedolei Yisrael related to them, locally (i.e., as a horaas shah) and as normative halacha.

He described the chilukei dei’os between the Aruch L’neir and the Yad Eliezer, highlighting the differences between “doing a mitzvah b’hidur” and hidur mitzvah.

In keeping with the prevailing minhag hamokom of the yarchei kallah beis medrash the lomdim created a true rischa d’Oraissa with their on-the-ball questions.

Once again, the organizers of the Yarchei Kallah wrapped up the day with a truly inspirational program of divrei chizuk vehisorerus, provided by the very chashuveh magidei shiur Harav Yitzchak Sheiner, Rosh Yeshivas Kamenitz, Yerushalayim and Harav Leib Mintzberg, Rav, Kahal Adas Yerushalayim.

Harav Sheiner inspired and reminded the oilam that the Yarchei Kallah is a perfect opportunity to reflect upon our daily lives and personal relationships, making sure that we are indeed on the right track. Everyone was deeply moved by his devorim hayotzim min halev.

Harav Mintzberg connected the sugya d’kallah and the concept of asseh docheh lo taaseh offering a deeper understanding of the meaning and purpose of Shabbos. He urged the oilam to make every effort to reap from the great otzar habrocho v’kedusha inherent in this day.

All photo and video credits below taken by: Yehuda Boltshauser / Refael Ovadia – Kuvien Images / YWN Israel

YWN VIDEO LINK: Click on the following link for video of Day 3:

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click on the following link for photos:

For Day 1 click on the following link:

For Day 2 click on the following link:

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. YWN Editor:
    I have sent the same comment related to this ongoing story for the past two days, yet you obviously don’t have the courage to post it! Or are you and Agudas Israel one and the same?!

    What are you afraid of?? This supposed to be America, where we aren’t afraid. Free expression, as long as it doesn’t include devorim asurim, which my post did not, should NOT be stifled!

  2. Okay, so now that you posted my complaint, let’s see if you will post my original comment.

    I opined that Agudas Israel, whom I have great respect for, should have considered postponing this year’s Yarchei Kallah. In place of all of the participants’ hard-earned dollars going to airfare and lodging, they should have been encouraged to donate at least a portion to a local YESHIVA of their choice. This way, such mosdos would be the beneficiary of much-needed funds at a time that they are struggling more than ever. Our childrens’ limud HaTorah should be made our TOP priority!

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