BREAKING NEWS: Republican Scott Brown Winner in Massachusetts Senate

9:23PM EST: According to the AP, Republican Scott Brown is the winner in today’s Massachusetts Senate, as residents of the Commonweath turned out in droves to pick a successor to Edward M. Kennedy.

Brown won over Democrat Martha Coakley.

The DrudgeReport reports that Coakley has conceded to Brown via telephone.

The Brown win eliminated Democrats’ 60-seat supermajority in the Senate and likely kill President Obama’s overhaul of health care.

The GOP voiced increasing confidence that Scott Brown, previously a relatively obscure state lawmaker, could win a razor-thin race that Democrat Martha Coakley seemed certain to win a few weeks ago.

Election officials in Boston said the turnout was more than twice the participation rate in the December party primaries. And a line of cars, at one point, was stretched for nearly a half-mile from a gymnasium at North Andover High School, the polling place for a community of about 30,000 about a half-hour north of Boston. Some drivers turned around in exasperation.

Speaking to reporters after she voted, Coakley voiced confidence she would win, saying “we’ve been working every day.”

Brown, who drove his pickup truck to a polling place to vote, played down the import of becoming the 41st Republican vote to uphold a filibuster, telling reporters, “It would make everybody the 41st senator, and it would bring fairness and discussion back to the equation.” He that should he win, he hoped Democrats controlling the state’s election apparatus “would do the right thing and certify me as quickly as possible.”

But he also dismissed polls showing a swell of support for him. “I’ve never been a big poll person,” Brown said. “I’m up in some, I’m down in some. And we’ll see what happens, 8:01 (p.m.).”

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, who died in August, held the post for 47 years. The last time Massachusetts elected a Republican to the U.S. Senate was 1972.

Massachusetts has a liberal reputation, but a full half of voters here are registered independent. Despite his conservative record, Brown has been tapping in to that independent streak.

16 Responses

  1. I am so excited about this that I can’t stop typing in a particular political chat room that I participate in.

    “Happy days are here again, let’s smile and shout here again, let us sing and dance here again, happy days are here again.” When Mark started to play that song tonight on his show, I got up and danced! I know, I know Moshiach hasn’t come. But, maybe we can vote out the Democrats here in New York!

  2. #1

    How very silly you are! All of them are the same low lives! The Jews were happy when hitler got in also. They all are not interested in the welfare of the Jews. Hashem Yirachem!

  3. The Levaya for the health care bill will IY”H take place asap
    Obama, Pelosi, and Reid will be sitting shivah at the White House the week following

    Oh, and Flatbush Bubby, who’s Mark? (I’m wondering if youre refering to Levin)

  4. to #1.It must to be, some body check the balances.If only Republican party will rule, or Democrats- That’s will be real disaster.That what exectly what happened after 8 years Bush administration, that’s what happened now.

  5. Obama does it again!!! His campaigning really worked! Doesn’t he realize that America has lost whatever faith they had in him???

    To 4, mbachur: I hope your right and the dems don’t pull some shtick,

  6. I’m not sure why there is such celebration among yidden. The Republicans have not been so great for EY either and have been a disaster for domestic policy issues of importance to us such as assuring equal opportunity and access to health care. Clearly, Obama has only himself to blame for his arrogance and political tin ear but this new guy from Massachusetts is no rocket scientist.

  7. Obama besides being dangerous is getting more delusional as the days go on. He says “That the American people really want his health care plan passed!” If that is so, why are all the democrats being knocked off one by one?

    Flatbush Bubby, do yourself and everyone a favor and get a life!!!

  8. New York State republicans should not give up and put up a big fight oust Kirsten Gillibrand and Chuck Schumer from the Senate in November 2010.

  9. 14, chucky schumer is not up for re-election in 2010. Gilly is.

    Yes this can be a great day for the country BUT ONLY IF he votes correctly. If he voted like Snow The RINO from Maine, this isn’t as major as we are hoping for.

  10. Republicans are liberals.

    They talk a good game during campaigns and when they actually get into office they start “making deals” with the Democrats and talk about
    “bipartisanship” wich is just a codeword for giving into what the Democrats want.

    Even when they give in ‘just a little bit’ the Dems still win because next time the Republicans give in a bit more, till the Dems have everything they wanted.

    And there is no such thing as a “moderate”.
    They are on the right or left of each and every issue and if they are on the left in even one issue, they are liberals.

    Lehavdeal ella havedallahs—When someone says they follow Torah except for “one thing” whatever they deliberately decide not to follow
    (this is not about Baal Teshuvahs who are growing in mitzvohs and struggling to transition from secular to frum, but about someone to simply feels like it’s ok to “get away with” something)
    and therefore choose not to follow; Then they are not Yiras Shamayim, because if they were, they would not look on the one mitzvoh as ‘a small thing’ to step on or to make compromises about.

    So too, Lehavdeal ella havedallahs, when a politicaian makes compromises on even one issue
    they by definition, are saying they are not a true conservative.

    Besides; Once they give in on one thing, it is an absolute guarantee, they will wind up giving in on other things as well.

    It’s like a woven quilt, once you pull the first thread, sooner or later the whole thing will unravel.

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