Dems Scramble To Hold Senate Seat

Democrats are scrambling to hold onto the late Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat in a surprisingly close race in Massachusetts that could imperil President Obama’s agenda.

Polls published in the last week of the race show Republican Scott Brown and Democrat Martha Coakley in a dead heat, worrying Obama and Democrats about the possibility of losing what once was considered one of their safest seats.

A Brown victory would give Senate Republicans the votes to stop the health care bill — and the rest of the president’s agenda — through a filibuster, a tactic they employed after Democrats took control of Congress after the 2006 elections. However, they have been unable to use that tactic after Democrats gained their 60-vote majority in the Senate in 2008.

“I want to be the person to go down there and send the health care [bill] back to its drawing board, so they can do it better,” Brown said. “And when they’re talking about raising your taxes and they’re talking about raising the debt ceiling and they’re talking about all those things, at least we can debate it in a transparent manner, not behind closed doors.”

Obama dashed to Boston on Sunday to try to rally voters for Coakley, the state’s attorney general.

“If you were fired up in the last election, I need you more fired up in this election,” he said at a campaign event.

And Vicki Kennedy, the late senator’s widow, called on state Democrats to turn out to save her husband’s legacy.

“We need your help. We need your support. We need you to get out there and vote on Tuesday,” Kennedy said. “We need you to bring your neighbors. We need you to bring your friends.”

Coakley’s challenger — a pickup truck-driving Republican state lawmaker — has the backing of frustrated Tea Party voters.

Brown’s surprising strength in Massachusetts, considered a Democratic stronghold, comes in part because some independents and conservatives who have supported Democrats in the past are having second thoughts.

(Source: CNN)

7 Responses

  1. Notice CNN’s description of the Republican & his supporters

    “…a pickup truck-driving…”
    “…frustrated Tea Party voters…”

    As if to say that the voters of Massachusetts, (who are obviously not at all happy with the current government) are all “right wing kooks” and are going to vote for a country bumpkin.
    Just luv the way CNN spins the news to their liking.

  2. “…Ted Kennedy’s seat…”


  3. Coakley blew it last week by calling Curt Schilling a New York Yankees fan. That gaffe may have cost her the election.

    And if you don’t know what I’m talking about, that proves how little this election has to do with issues we care about!

  4. 2,

    This wasn’t CNN’s description, these were the words used by Obama Himself while campaigning in MA for Marsha Coakley (that’s what Kennedy called her).

    Obama kept repeating over and over this same stupid pickup truck line it was getting monotonous. One would think TOTUS would have told him to stop! Anyway, what Obama didn’t mention was that this pickup came from Obama Motors and it had well over TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND MILES on it!

    If I was sitting on the fence, once I heard Obama run his mouth off like that, I would vote for the other guy!

  5. I will be very unimpressed if a Republican wins because it will be business as usual between the two liberal parties.

    We need a true conservative not a Republican and certainly not another Democrat.

    As long as Republicans are seen as the only alternative to Democrats, we will still have liberals destroying the country.

    Republicans love to go along to get along.
    They falsly think they must ‘give in’ and make deals agaisnt the wishes of the voters which just helps the Democrats get parts of what they and and get the rest in the next misguided ‘deal’.

    It’s like two cars headed to their destruction over cliff.

    The Democrat car is driving at 80 MPH
    And the Republicans are trying to fool the voters
    by driving toward the same cliff at only 40 MPH

    There is no real difference because both cars will go over the cliff and the Democrats will just get there first with the fool hardy Republicans taking the rest of us with them when they finally go over, too.

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