PHOTOS: London Beis Din Mashgiach’s Conference 5770

[PHOTO LINK BELOW] On the 26th Teves (12.01.2010), the London Beis Din held their annual conference for Rabbinic Inspectors of factories.  The conference was attended by Rabbonim from around the globe including Eretz Yisroel, Belgium, Holland, Spain, London and Manchester.

The opening address was given by Rabbi Conway, Director of KLBD who spoke about the huge achrayos upon the shoulders of the mashgichim and the need to double and triple check every aspect of the manufacturing process and raw materials even if the Mashgiach inspects the factory regularly.  He also stressed the importance of making a Kiddush Hashem particularly in view of the fact that many factories are in remote locations where the only yidden the factory workers will ever meet are mashgichim.

Next was an in-depth shiur from Dayan Shmuel Simons on the subject of hagolas kelim. This was followed by divrei bracha and chizuk from the Senior Dayan, Dayan Menachem Gelley during the lunch interval.

The next presentation was given by Dr. Moshe Rosenfeld, an expert in flavor chemistry who gave a high level lecture on the pH scale and when these levels might be a factor when considering a factory’s steam condensate return system as Pogum. This included live demonstrations and experiments. Dr. Rosenfeld showed how even a minute amount of some chemicals can burn a hole through a serviette and with this graphically demonstrated that a Mashgiach should never taste or touch any chemicals unless they know exactly what they’re doing!

This was followed by a session led by Rabbi Akiva Osher Padwa, Director of Certification.  Rabbi Padwa went through several technical issues relevant to the mashgichim. He stressed the importance of having a good scientific and technical grounding in all areas of hashgacha.

The last address was from Rabbi Chanan Brand, the KLBD representative in Eretz Yisroel, who gave a detailed description of the work of the KLBD and the broader kashrus scene in Eretz Yisroel.

The conference once again proved a great success and served as a powerful tool to re-enforce the high standards of hashgacha at the KLBD. 

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click on the following link for photos:

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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