Levaya Of HaRav Yechiel London ZATZAL

candle96.gifYWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Rav Yechiel London ZATZAL, founder and Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Heichal HaTorah in Harlem – one of the first kiruv yeshivas in America.

Rabbi London is most famous for being at the forefront of being Mekarev Russian Jews, and founded “Nefesh Academy” for that purpose.

Nefesh began on September 28, 1989. It was the day before Erev Rosh Hashana, and it was the day of the largest immigration of Russians to the United States.

Rabbi Yechiel London ZATZAL, upon hearing that there would be a tremendous influx of immigrants on that day, encouraged his family and followers to head to Kennedy Airport to greet their exhausted, bewildered, brethren.

The day progressed , thousands of Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union were greeted by Rabbi London’s contingency with candies and drinks, warm words, and the feeling that the American Jewish community was happy that they’d come.

Then came the night. As it wore on it became obvious that there were tens of families had no where to stay. Rabbi London undertook to find families to host them for the Yom Tov.

Nefesh Academy has been Mekavev thousands of Jews, and is currently run by his devoted son, Reb Sroya London Shlita. 

The Levaya will take place this Sunday morning, Jan. 10th at 10:00 AM at Shomrei Hachomos Chapel, Fort Hamilton Parkway and 42nd Street in Boro Park. The Kevura will be in Woodbridge NJ.

The family will be sitting shiva until Friday afternoon Jan. 15th at 1750 East 18th Street (between Quentin Rd. and Ave R) in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn, 718-339-4208.

Boruch Dayan Emmes….

11 Responses

  1. Rav Yechiel London was one that I admired. They accepted my twin boys many years ago on Ocean Ave and Ave T. His wife was very much involved in the Yeshive and also helped Rav Yechiel in every step.She was his true Ezer. Rav Sroia should continue with the same Koiches.
    The whole family should have a Nechome.

  2. A goan of goanim Anuv Vitzadik Midos Tovos Bal Chesed from a different Dor!

    In Shomayim I have no doubt that he is finaly
    getting the Kavod he deserved!

    Olam Hafuch!

  3. How many countless Mishpochos are Frum because of
    the famous London brothers I know Roshei Yeshiva
    because of Them.
    I am sure the chavrusashaf between the brothers will
    once again continue and bring up the volume of the
    Kol Torah in Shomayim.

    They did not do anything for fan fare all they wanted was to do the Ratzon Hashem!

  4. I owe a personal debt of gratitude to the great London Brothers, zichronam livrocha, as my father was one of the numerous students that they took into their yeshiva and were mekarev.

    If not for these two true pioneers, I have no idea where I and my family would be today! They were way ahead of their time in terms of their mesiras nefesh for all of the nefoshos that they saved! They both started doing this even before they got married. Their mother z”l was also very involved in their efforts as well, before their wives came into the picture!

    May Rav Yechiel zt”l be a meiletz yosheir for us all, in terms of being mekarev the geulah, just as he worked tirelessly during his lifetime being mekarev Yidden l’avihem sh’bashomayim. Y’he zichro boruch!

  5. As a secular Jew Knowing the London Brothers was an experience I will never forget. They were Tolerant, Never Judgmental only showing me and informing me of the Jewish way I attended their Summer Camp Machne Torah for 3 Summers and was there when that their Father passed. I learned much from them and that experience that I have thought of all these years. They were Great Men!

  6. As a secular Jew Knowing the London Brothers was an experience I will never forget. They were Tolerant, Never Judgmental only showing me and informing me of the Jewish way I attended their Summer Camp Machne Torah for 3 Summers and was there when that their Father passed. I learned much from them and that experience that I have thought of all these years. They were Great Men!

  7. rabbi london completly changed my life around.he has helped me in so many different ways there is no way i can thank him enough.I hope he is mochel all of us for not giving him the proper respect.
    may rav yechiel be a meiletz yosher fo his eishes
    chayil who never left his side,for his entire mishpachah and for the rest of klal yisroel.

  8. Ireally miss Rabbi London alot.I really can’t thank you enouigh for the way you brought me up in life. Rabbi London should be a real meiletz yosher to his wife &to all his children & grandchildren. I hope you’re mochel me.

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